Happy New Week Jahmin Hivers!
While this is not a #dashout it is a #dashout of some more goodies from my winnings a few weeks ago.
This is my first time actually trying Jamaican Style Fruit Cake.... packaged, usually my mother or aunt would make it, I even had years when fruit cake was shipped to me here in Japan. But to be honest, as I have gotten older, it has become something I can do without.
But man this cake is to die for😂
First of all I love the packaging that Tortuga uses. The plaid pattern represents the traditional Jamaican wear that can be seen at festivals and other cultural events. While it may look like a tin, it is actually a box and the fruit comes sealed inside of it.
Growing up I used to see these cakes all the time in the tourist shops and thought "lawks I can imagine how bad they taste, poor tourist". Jump a couple decades later and I am now the receiver of a Tortuga Rum Fruit Cake. 😆
As you can see, this is a pretty small sized cake, but it is weighty and thick.
Honest Review
I can honestly now say that these cakes are extremely delicious and I highly recommend them. They actually taste just how my mother would make them and that was surprising. My mother has actually been using the same recipe for years, she got it from a top baker out of Jamaica, and no doubt Tortuga uses that same recipe.
The cake, though packaged, tasted like it was fresh and made recently ( well I guess that is what the rum does 😄).
I'm the only one
Now, I have never met a Japanese that actually likes Jamaica fruit cake, if you do come across one, let me know. My wife doesn't like it and neither do my kids. So the cake was all mine MUHAHHAHAHHA. I sliced it with a feeling of nostalgia as the thickness isn't like any other cakes I know. As I took the first bite I was brought back to the oven at my parents' house where my mother would bake and leave fruit cakes to last the entire season from December all the way into late January.
That feeling of guilt
All this cake for me? Well it wasn't that much but I thought I should share the wealth and ended up calling a Jamaican Bredin that lived close by and told him come for what would be half, after I took a slice or two. I also sent a message to a Sistrin that lived another town over to come for the other "half"......But then something happened.
After the first slice, I was like yeah, this tastes good but I don't think I need anymore......
So then I messaged the friends to come for some cake..
hhhmmm let me have one more slice....
And then I had a Bombclaaat moment.
"BOMBCLAAAAAT.... no man, this taste too damn good."
So I checked my phone to see who saw the message first and it was my bredrin that lived close by, so I then went and deleted the message I sent to the sistrin.
Bad Idea
I got a message later that day saying
"Why you delete the cake message fah!!!"
🤣🤣🤣 I felt like Boysie
Remember that post where I said to give freely/let it flow, well always remember to give to yourself first.