Have you ever been sleeping and thought about what you were gonna have for breakfast in the wee hours of the morning? Well that is what this callaloo contraption is. I remembered the night before that I had a can of callaloo in the back of the cupboard and thought it would be good to have it with some toast, but alas, the bread was fresh out.
Being raised in Jamaica, I never knew the day would come when I'd be eating callaloo from a can. The plant used to grow in my backyard and we would pick it whenever we needed. There were times when we bought or got some from relatives as well. But fast-forward a decade and a bit and here I am opening a can of callaloo from Jamaica, via the UK.
The Callaloo contraption
My Monday morning is Sunday evening for many of you!
So I woke up bright an early Monday morning with the can of callaloo on my mind. I popped open the can, turned on the stove ( but accidentally turned on the grill first). The greens wouldn't budge at first, so I used a spoon to yank it out. I guess that is what happens when a plant is jam packed into a can that traveled more distance across the world than most humans ever will. And not to mention the battering the can takes via Fedex.
After getting the plant out of its time capsule, I remembered I had no salt-fish ( it is usually combined with callaloo) so I went for the next best easiest thing, tuna in a can. Now this was not looking too bad. I added some garlic powder to give it a little seasoning and then something told me to add cheese. Why cheese? I have no clue, but I added it. It was looking tasty! I was thinking of adding an egg to the mix but why put all the eggs in one basket ( pun intended ).
The End Result
And here is the end result. Not presentable, but hey, I was getting ready for work 😃. How did it taste? It was alright, but not what I though about when I was dreaming about breakfast the night before and definitely not something I would recommend. 😄.
What I should have made
I should have made an omelet with just the callaloo and cheese when I think about it. The cheese actually made the tuna null as in it couldn't be tasted, so that was in a sense, a waste. An omelet with cheese and some seasoning would have been just right. luckily, I have one can left to try that out. But hey, at least breakfast was healthy-ish 😁

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