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RE: I Need A Roof Over My Head! #APART

in ReggaeJAHM4 years ago

When I think about, quite a lot of Reggae Music originated from some parts of London. London has a BUZZ that is really hard to explain unless you live here LOL

I bought my first flat when I was 20 years old at 8% Interest Rate. In just 2 years it soured to nearly 18% ~ That was scary shit man, I still don't know how we survived it, but we did! ~ Just Sheer determination I guess 😎 TRUTH !

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

 4 years ago 

Indeed, London and Reggae go hand in hand, I think the huge Caribbean diaspora helped with that I can imagine. I have a lot of friends in London with Jamaican backgrounds , it is as if they never left the island though most were born in London. I need to feel that vibe. Though London has never been on my travel list, I think I would appreciate it.

20 years OLD!!? That is a good age to start owning property. "Just sheer determination". Yeah, that is what it all boils down to, taking that leap. I just really despise loans and being in debt but for a property, it is difficult without it.

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Yes, I agree London & Reggae are one. Perhaps it was the huge influx of Jamaicans to drive our Buses. Funny thing is that many of the future generations here still drive a London Bus. Maybe it's simply in the blood LOL

My Grand-Daughter is half Jamaican, her father was born in England but strangely never been to Jamaica. He says that he hates hot weather! Can you believe that? 🤣

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded