Hive Open Mic Week 199 || James Arthur - Quite Miss Home || Cover By Wealthwess [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Open Mic8 months ago

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Hello Hive Open Mic community and all fans of good music. I am wealthwess by name and it’s an exciting feelings for me to be here again this week 199 of our weekly concert. Our recent spotlight artist @boeltermc chose the theme Brasil which is a lovely theme for us all to express ourselves with a song that deem fit.
Although, i thought far and wide on a song to present due to the theme but i could only settled down with James Arthur’s song which he tilted Quite Miss Home i choose this song because it’s talks about how James Arthur misses his home and city all because he had to leave to follow his dreams/making money. So, here is the twist imaging leaving your own country let’s say Brasil, you definitely going to miss your home, the people you love, and most of all your culture, isn’t?
That’s why i’m making this acapella of Quite Miss Home by James Arthur for everyone that has left home/country for another just by chasing their dreams. I do hope someday we all get to go home to see and meet all the lovely people and culture we left behind. So, stay blessed as you listen.

Quite Miss Home / Lyrics

I'm in the kitchen while you smoke outside
You're careful not to let the smoke inside
I always tell you it's poison
But I know it helps you take the edge off the day
We get a drink before it's closing time
The one on high street with the blinking sign
All of these memories feel poignant
I won't be there to see the snow melt away

Yeah, I've been gone on business
I've gotta make some money
I really feel the distance

And I quite miss home
And I miss you telling me
To leave my shoes at the door
'Cause you just swept the floor and the dirt drives you crazy
Yeah, I quite miss home
'Cause it feels like poetry
When the rain falls down on the window
While you're in my arms and we're watching the TV
Yeah, I quite miss home
Yeah, I quite miss home



Hola comunidad Hive Open Mic y todos los fanáticos de la buena música. Soy wealthwess de nombre y es una sensación emocionante para mí estar aquí nuevamente esta semana 199 de nuestro concierto semanal. Nuestro reciente artista destacado @boeltermc eligió el tema Brasil, que es un tema encantador para que todos nos expresemos con una canción que consideremos adecuada.
Aunque pensé mucho en una canción para presentar debido al tema, pero solo pude establecerme con la canción de James Arthur, que inclinó Quite Miss Home. Elijo esta canción porque habla de cómo James Arthur extraña. su casa y su ciudad, todo porque tuvo que irse para seguir sus sueños y ganar dinero. Entonces, aquí está el giro que supone dejar tu propio país, digamos Brasil, definitivamente vas a extrañar tu hogar, las personas que amas y, sobre todo, tu cultura, ¿no?
Es por eso que estoy haciendo esta acapella de Quite Miss Home de James Arthur para todos los que han dejado su hogar/país por otro simplemente para perseguir sus sueños. Espero que algún día podamos volver a casa para ver y conocer a toda la gente encantadora y la cultura que dejamos atrás. Entonces, sé bendecido mientras escuchas.

Bastante señorita a casa / Letras

Estoy en la cocina mientras tu fumas afuera
Tienes cuidado de no dejar entrar el humo.
Siempre te digo que es veneno
Pero sé que te ayuda a aliviar el día.
Tomamos una copa antes de que cierre.
El que está en la calle principal con el cartel parpadeante.
Todos estos recuerdos se sienten conmovedores
No estaré allí para ver cómo se derrite la nieve.

oh oh oh
Sí, me fui por negocios
tengo que ganar algo de dinero
realmente siento la distancia

Y extraño mucho mi hogar
Y extraño que me digas
Dejar mis zapatos en la puerta
Porque acabas de barrer el piso y la tierra te vuelve loco
Sí, extraño mucho mi hogar.
Porque se siente como poesía
Cuando la lluvia cae sobre la ventana
Mientras estás en mis brazos y estamos viendo la televisión
Sí, extraño mucho mi hogar.
Sí, extraño mucho mi hogar.


▶️ 3Speak


The boss himself doing the most💪
This is indeed a powerful presentation bro..
I love the aura of your voice bro, you're doing great @wealthwess

Ah my one and only boss, it always good to see your commending comment. hopefully one day i'll be as good as you hehe. thanks again boss

My love for this song just tripled like whatt? You did amazingly good on this cover bro. Kudos

thanks bro

Such a lovely song and a nice rendition from you dear.

thanks so much

What a lovely song. Beautiful entry from you bro

thanks boss

Your voice is so niceee. Beautiful entry

thank you so much

My Boss with the Sugar Voice on this one again, First of all I want to collect this Native wear 😉, it's looks very smart on you,
You never disappoint to deliver beautiful songs,
Keep being a Star 🌟🌟🌟💯💯💯💯🎸🎸🎸

Hehe be pulling my legs oo Native of 1,500naira LOL, you deserve a mighty and expensive one sir. thank you for all these sweet comments oo, you sha be my boss for this music thing, NO CAP.