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RE: Joy In The Simple Things 🐑 Sheep Jumpin' With Monkey-B

in ReggaeJAHM4 years ago

Yes, if the poorer countries were smarter they would use this opportunity to work together to stimulate the economies; work on win-win relations. Suriname has been trying to do that with the Caricom since we joined and we opened our market to products from the Caribbean, but till now some of the other member states don't accept our products or are making up excuses to not market our products in their own countries, which is unfortunate. The Caricom is to have a free market and it seems to be one sided. Anyway, not all countries though.

And true, even the developed countries are now dealing with poverty, people losing jobs, small businesses closing, etc. The bigger companies will somehow stay on top, because of the clout they have, but the small independent companies are having a hard time staying afloat.