I've been absent from Hive - except for those occasional pop ups with an upvote here and there - for some time and I did miss posting regularly and making connections here. I even missed posting about my one (1) year anniversary here on Hive on September 12th, which I don't mind because I'm not so big on dates. I was even late for my 6 months anniversary π , but that's besides the point.
Though I don't owe anyone an explanation, I would like to disclose why I wasn't as active as I was before, because I want to share an experience with you. The thing is, I had to pass my last "class" (wasn't that much in class), which consisted of me doing a little field research (survey), hitting the books and writing a report. It was the writing part that took a lot of time, even though I had enough practice from Hive.
My preface, introduction and the questionnaire were finished for a while and even the responses were in, still I had trouble starting, let alone finishing the report. The thing is, I'm a perfectionist, I overthink and am really hard on myself; only want to turn in the best quality work that I could have. I've been like that for as long as I remember.
When writing essays when I was younger, I had to constantly reread, rethink and rewrite sentences and/or paragraphs, which cost me a lot of time. The same happened when I started here on Hive. I spend way too much time on one post alone, which over time did get a bit easier. This was because of finding a rhythm and system that worked for me and the consistency of posting.
Being consistent and trying to show up everyday - getting into the habit of posting and engaging - on Hive was what helped me to curb that type-a personality of me. It doesn't have to be perfect I reminded myself, I just needed to write something down. Only when I was done, could I work on correcting and finalizing the report.
I met the deadline - after a few weeks of sleepless nights - of turning in the report and passed π. Now I'm slowly getting back on Hive and am truly grateful of the experiences and lessons learned, because of posting here regularly. This goes to show some of the added value of this blockchain: not only earning by being active, but also learning and relearning skills outside of Hive. Not to mention overcoming some habits that have held me back. Am still learning.