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RE: Music Song Challenge Phase II || An Original My help Comes from the lord @jesus-son[Eng/Esp]

in Music Zone10 months ago

Hola, @jesus-son. Habló un poquito el italiano.... Lo entiendo un poco más. Siendo yo muchacha estuve estudiando interna en una institución donde nos daban clases de italiano y los sábados no nos permitían hablar en castellano sino sólo en italiano. Algo me quedó de esa época. Es un idioma de sonido muy bonito, muy suave. Me contenta que estés estudiando ambos idiomas.

Hello, @jesus-son. I spoke a little Italian... I understand it a little more. When I was a girl, I was studying as a boarder in an institution where they gave us Italian classes and on Saturdays they did not allow us to speak in Spanish but only in Italian. Something stayed with me from that time. It is a very beautiful sounding language, very soft. I'm glad that you are studying both languages.


Oh, that's beautiful. I actually love to speak different languages.