The things that keep every relationship alive

in ecoTrain3 months ago

Relationship has some sparks which boasts it everyday, there's a big difference in the life of a man when he is in a relationship and the time he is all by himself.

Being all by ourselves is a solo lifestyle, it will make the people that lives around to start getting confused.

Few years ago in our town, people assumed, once you are at the age of 30 you should get married, be it a man or a woman, else they would assumes the person is stingy and doesn't want to raised a family, yet it is so good because these days no one talk of that anymore, there is this understanding that, at any time a person feels like, he/she can get married.

Therefore, that was by the way, I brought up this post because I want to talked of those good things we get in having a resourceful relationship, some relationship we found ourselves are toxicated, Infact those kinds of relationships are not good for our mental health.

This is something I have tested, one who is truly in love is always happy, I do not thing there are many things that is going to make the person's to be sad, if not that, may be, his partner want some and he can't provide for it, yet, apart from that, the heart of someone who is in love is bright and glad, a relationship that two persons love themselves, they will see anything as simple.

Assurance and security
Relationship/Love as we may finds it makes everything to be possible, two weeks ago, I was in needs of something, then I reach out to my brother, and he didn't asked too much, but I received a good reply, that is because, the brotherly love is there and he can't leave while a brother is open to discuss an urgent matter.

We feel so motivated to do the things we were doing knowing that we have people at our back who are looking out for our success, it might be a love one and it might also be a family member.

Once I took part in a drama, it was a stage play and my brother was there, I didn't know so many of my friends would attend, because when I sent the invitation to them, I didn't get a clear reply that they are going to come, yet I didn't know it was all pranks and they wouldn't want to missed the concert since I would take part.

I saw my brother watching us and I smile, I was so motivated when I saw the three of my friends who also came.

My mood change instantly and I began to performed in grand styles, because I didn't want them to think, it was a waste of time, I knew I was good when I saw the smiles on them, I was so glad also, because I knew I killed it.

Honesty is a necessity in a relationship, there are people that once they finds out that a person isn't honest, they would cut off from the person, because they do not know how they can trust the person again, yet they are people who hate letting people down, and honor their prestige a lot, this kind of people do everything possible to maintain their relationship with people around them.

Finally, Love and support.
Every good relationship most be supportive, The things we offer someone who is in love with us, or a family member, most not be money alone.

Encouraging message must be there, giving them some of our times and also listening to what's bothering them is a way.

Like me, i so much appreciates it when someone give me his attention, maybe by phone calls or texts messages, it makes me feeling that I am needed and love.

Once I called my friends on phone and he was so happy about it, he also asked why I have not been calling frequently, I make him to understand that, i also want him to called me, because I need to feel needed as well, he apologize and since then he never wait for me alone to do it but he reciprocate.

Thanks for reading, see you in my next post, cheers.

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