Gentleman ln Making

in Weekend Experiences5 months ago

l think calling men gentlemen Is just some teasing words, because they're some men who are not gentle a bit.

lnfact they do not see it as something they should give a listening ear or a try to, but no doubt, as a man, the feelings of acting gentle comes with pride because I've been there many times.

Example of this is acting like you do not care at all on the birthday of your girlfriend only to show up with a big surprise when she thought you had broken up with her, but it turns out to be some pranks that lasted some couples of hours.

Then at the end, the whole thing brought in a lot of smiles, hugs and kisses on the cheeks.

lmagine it to be such event that will trigger friends and family members to want to captured the romance and playful moments just as we do see it in movies.

Speaking of myself, i have been a gentleman ln so many way's, also In the time that, l went to the park to pick up a love one that was coming visit from a far place, even when the time was late in the night, but because there were some holdup on the road, so a trip that the passengers was to arrived and head to their destinations in just four hours was taken up to six hours.

Then when you were enjoying your sleep the phone rang and you have to get up, put on your t-shirt and shorts with flip flop and head out with that torchlight ln your hand, while your heart is beating so fast because you missed her, and on other hand, you are happy she came as the night was becoming lone with you alone ln the house.

And early in the morning you got up and make that tea that is going to warm up her body, considering it to took place in this rainy season.

Then In the afternoon time you both go out to have that movie time together, driving around the town.

Getting home after an hour or two, you still decide to make her that favorite dishes, and the laughter's will be much bigger when you nailed and cook the favorite dishes so well, as for me, I do not cook more often but when it's for my baby.

l do not mind going to the best YouTube video tutorial and get some ideas to make that delicious favorite meal for her, which i will eat as well, since I am a foodie, and l do not select food.

Image is mine.


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