The deal is, I like it so much when men cook in their family, seeing that I am gradually becoming a man, and in due time, i will as well have a family, the question that comes to my mind is, "if I really know how to cook?
I know I have been cooking for myself, as a bachelor, I am the person taking care of the small kitchen in the apartment, but that isn't still enough to make me a pro that I can cook to the satisfaction of another, because, assuming, I own a family today, will that beautiful woman said what I cook for the family is good?
And, my kids, will they said, "Daddy is a good cook?, maybe, I still have another school to attained, and get a degree as a cook, because I would not want to failed them when it comes to preparing of meals, the way I always feels is, failure is that last thing I will accept in life.
And, as well, I will want to be cooking at times in my home as a father, I do like it so much when I see it in movies, because truth be told, it is where it mostly took place.
In my child age, my Dad's likes to cook, but right now, he does not do it anymore, maybe by that time, he was still feeling like doing it. I used to stick around him so much, and whenever he was back from the office, he will cook his favorite meal.
Then, no matter the kind of games activities my friend's were playing in the neighborhood as at that time, they will not see me there, because I was Daddy's boy, and it was then, I will gist Dad all the things that was happening in school from Monday to Friday, and at times, I will go length to include the activities that took place last two weeks ago.
Believe me those gist was very necessary, because Dad need to see me as a very serious boy in school. He always came back from the office before mom, and I can still remember, mother used to got very happy when she came back and see that Daddy has prepared a meal for the family.
That is to say that, every home need not just the woman as a cook, therefore, if cooking is something that is sweetening home the more, i will do it, and will always do it for my family.
But first and foremost, I have realized that I need to be prepared, by learning how to cook very well, and sometime's, I should go to YouTube, and check out how to prepare delicious recipes.
I am happy that I can nailed some recipes at the moment, and I am sure those that are not known, I will still get to know how to prepare them, and this role i will always do it with pride in the family.
Image is mine.