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RE: The Swift Passing of Time

in Silver Bloggers • last month (edited)

😃 that is how time goes. We do not notice but it is going steadily. It is not as if it's fast, it is because we are living redundantly. We are the ones wasting the time we have.
My your husband recover steadily. Thank you for being there to assist him.


I realize that time really passes at the same rate all through our lives. I think that as children we have fewer past experiences to think about, and a smaller concept of past and future, so each day can seem like at eternity. As a senior citizen, I have a different perspective on past, present, and future, because of all the experiences I have had, and the things I have learned. My days remain full and interesting, so they seem to fly by. Even when I was younger, and working at a summer job, the time seemed to pass more quickly on a busy day than on a day with fewer tasks.