It is crazy how long this COVID-19 and stranded abroad mess has gone on. Afghanistan is proof that the stroke of a pen can change everything in a moment, and rules can be broken. I worked my whole life for minimum wage and built the wealth of other Americans before I left the country, and I have nothing to show for it except no insurance, bad knees, and a bad back.
I realize it's not a potential life and death situation like in Afghanistan, but I feel I've helped my country considerably in my life, and to be disrespected by both Cambodia and the USA in this time makes us feel we have no home. I've tried to teach our daughters to have no allegiance to flags and nation-states, but that loyalty should be given to our fellow human beings. Our experience is a brutal example of why I live this way, but I hope this causes our daughters to be winds of change for humanity.
Thanks for your kind words my friend, they are worth much more than any upvote.