Hive Afritunes Week 120 || A Cover of Yabo by Solomon Lange [Eng/Esp]

in AFRI-TUNES3 months ago

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Hello friends of the Hive Afritunes Community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you all to my blog this day. This is afritunes week 120 and it is a pleasure to share my interpretation for the week with you.

I shall present a cover of the gospel song suggested in the community post titled Yabo by the artiste Solomon Lange. To be sincere with you, I never knew that a song of this kind ever existed until I saw it in the community post and in fact, I never knew who Solomon was until now with this song and I can say that he is a great musician.

I guess the problem with some of us is that we are too accustomed to the famous guys and forget the fact that there are other great gospel artistes out there. I am glad to have come across this song and other of his songs that I have also browsed.

The song Yabo is a song of deep praise to God. It expresses the fact of trusting in God and not being disappointed. Many have trusted in fellow men and been disgraced, some in horses and chariots and have been disappointed but he who trusts in the Lord is sure of divine protection and favors. Thus, it is an encouragement to stick to our God who makes all things well in due time.


The word Yabo means Praise, the chorus thus, means Praise from my heart, I give to you. Dear friends, it is a clarion call to each one of us to give ourselves to God in praise and adoration and total submission knowing that the Lord will never abandon or leave us.

It was amazing singing this in my own style and presenting here for you all to enjoy with me and I hope that you really enjoy it. Thank you very much.


Hola amigos de la comunidad Hive Afritunes, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida a todos a mi blog este día. Esta es la semana 120 de Afritunes y es un placer compartir con ustedes mi interpretación de la semana.

Presentaré una versión de la canción gospel sugerida en la publicación de la comunidad titulada Yabo del artista Solomon Lange. Para ser sincero contigo, nunca supe que existía una canción de este tipo hasta que la vi en el post de la comunidad y de hecho, nunca supe quién era Solomon hasta ahora con esta canción y puedo decir que es un gran músico. .

Supongo que el problema con algunos de nosotros es que estamos demasiado acostumbrados a los chicos famosos y olvidamos el hecho de que hay otros grandes artistas del gospel por ahí. Me alegro de haberme topado con esta canción y otras de sus canciones que también he hojeado.


La canción Yabo es un canto de profunda alabanza a Dios. Expresa el hecho de confiar en Dios y no decepcionarse. Muchos han confiado en el prójimo y han sido deshonrados, algunos en caballos y carros y han sido desilusionados pero el que confía en el Señor está seguro de la protección y los favores divinos. Por lo tanto, es un estímulo a apegarnos a nuestro Dios que hace que todas las cosas estén bien a su debido tiempo.

La palabra Yabo significa Alabanza, el coro así, significa Alabanza desde mi corazón, te doy. Queridos amigos, es un llamado de atención para que cada uno de nosotros nos entreguemos a Dios en alabanza, adoración y total sumisión sabiendo que el Señor nunca nos abandonará ni nos dejará.

Fue increíble cantar esto en mi propio estilo y presentarlo aquí para que todos lo disfruten conmigo y espero que realmente lo disfruten. Muchas gracias.

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Now is the acceptable time to give ourselves to God, the world is gradually coming to an end.


Thanks for coming around dear

I have some of Solomon's songs but I am surprised how I didn't have this one. I love his songs, I will definitely download this too

This is a nice song
Thanks for coming around

Keep up with the good work dear

Tanxhiu ma

You are highly welcome

Lovely presentation as always Don Moen 👏👏, you did amazing.
Solomon is one of my fav 9ja gospel artist , his songs are very nice

Thanks dear

Na wa.... Only you can sing and play instrument? Only you? Selfish much?

Came in from #dreemport

Oya come and learn

Oya na send timetable 😃

 2 months ago Reveal Comment