Vibes Web #3 music competition week #2 || A Cover of "Different colors, One People" || [Eng/Esp]

in Vibes7 months ago (edited)

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Hello vibes web #3 music competition week #2, my name is @jesus-son. For this week, I bring you a cover of a song that is revolutionary in nature; a song that calls all to order and to make for a world where all live and exist as one.

I present a cover of the song by the Regae master Lucky Dube titled "Different colors One People". It is a song against the racist act. A clarion call to all peoples of the world to keep away every idea of I am black and this one is white and so we cannot coexist.

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We have a common origin and are one people but with different colors. We have different worldviews which when put together help to make the world much better. It's a pity that despite the Enlightenments in the world today, some persons have not allowed themselves to get over the shackles of racism. I have had the experienced of meeting people who in the train and because as a black man you want to sit close to them, they would change post.

Dear friends, we need to live as one and promote togetherness as a people. This song speaks much volume on this and I hope that you derive some meaning from my interpretation. It was difficult trying to produce it so well and even after so much trials I couldn't still arrive at the best I wanted it to be. I had to reduce the key to key G instead of the original key B inorder to suit my voice.

Thanks friends for your time and your support.


hola vibes web #3 semana de competencia musical #2, mi nombre es @jesus-son.
para esta semana les traigo un cover de una canción que por naturaleza es revolucionaria;
una canción que llama a todos al orden y a crear un mundo donde todos vivan y existan como uno.


les presento un cover de la canción del maestro regae lucky dube titulada diferentes colores un pueblo.
es una canción contra el acto racista.
un llamado de atención a todos los pueblos del mundo para que mantengan alejada toda idea de que yo soy negro y éste es blanco y por eso no podemos coexistir.

tenemos un origen común y somos un solo pueblo pero con colores diferentes.
Tenemos diferentes visiones del mundo que, juntas, ayudan a hacer el mundo mucho mejor.
Es una lástima que, a pesar de los avances del mundo actual, algunas personas no se hayan permitido liberarse de las cadenas del racismo.
He tenido la experiencia de conocer gente en el tren y como, como hombre negro, quieres sentarte cerca de ellos, cambiarían de puesto.

Queridos amigos, necesitamos vivir como uno y promover la unión como pueblo.
Esta canción dice mucho sobre esto y espero que obtengas algún significado de mi interpretación.
Fue difícil intentar producirlo tan bien e incluso después de tantas pruebas no pude llegar a lo mejor que quería.
Tuve que reducir la clave a la tecla g en lugar de la tecla b original para adaptarla a mi voz.


gracias amigos por su tiempo y su apoyo.

▶️ 3Speak


You nor dey sleep?.... Nice musical piece Rastaman

Haha, even you?
Thanks man

Your rendition of “Different Colors, One People” is truly beautiful and inspiring. The way you have captured the song's message of unity and hope is truly moving. I congratulate you for such a beautiful interpretation. You're great bro.

It's a an honour to receive such a beautiful comment from you man
Thanks so much

I love this song so much!! It's been years since I last listened to it and you did amazing.
Well done Don Moen and Goodluck in the competition

its a pleasure to read a feed back from you my baby
afar for dat number na, i still dey wait o, 😀

Sure, Discord?

My friend I can't see the day when all this problem related to discrimination and racism will be over. In the meantime, we continue to fight against it in such a beautiful and special way as you are doing now.
I greet you and bless you greatly and I wish with all my heart that you will not suffer or be singled out by unscrupulous and blind people who do not accept that we are all equal in the eyes of God.
Hugs from afar for you.
Take good care of yourself. ✨🤗🙏

It's obvious that it's a perennial problem, however, those of us that understands better should keep on encouraging others
I thank you for your time and your support, a hug too dear friend