Hive Music Festival Week#66 Round #3 || A Cover of just a closer walk with Thee [Eng/Esp]

in Music Zone9 months ago

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Hello friends of hive music festival week #66 round #3, my name is @jesus-son and here with me is my presentation for this week. I Hope that you enjoy with me the melody I made and bring here. Thanks for your love.

The song I bring is titled "just a closer walk with thee". In this the "thee" refers to God. Therefore, it is a song of supplication to God to grant a closer walk with Him. But why seeking a closer walk with God? How can one even walk closely with a God who seem to be far away in the sky and is never seen? Is He even a living reality?.... these and many other related questions are the issues we are confronted with from time to time while trying to define our relationship with the supreme being (God).


Do we need to provide answers? Yes, to the extent that we can perhaps our responses could be a means for the conversion of someone. But then, don't be so convinced that you can make people be convinced with the answers you may provide. That's life for you and you have to move with the trend, hehe.

Well,all these are asides, here I want to reflect on the theme of relationship with God and by extension with humans. Indeed, we need a closer walk with Jesus in the events of our lives. This is because, we are beings filled with many limitations and therefore are in need of help. God is the only Being without a potential but with full actuality. He helps us to reach our potentials but only when we offer him our hands for His help.

Anyone who walks with the Lord never go astray and at the end will have the happy life. By extension, a closer walk with Jesus implies a good relationship with the people around you. A relationship characterised by love and care. This is not just profitable for a good relationship with God, but for a better society to stop the wars we fight among ourselves for things that do not matter.

I sing this sing with all joy and passion and I wish you enjoy with me and seek to draw closer to Jesus and walk with Him in your journeys of life. Thank you for your time and support.



Hola amigos de Hive Music Festival Semana #66 Ronda #3, mi nombre es @jesus-son y aquí conmigo está mi presentación para esta semana. Espero que disfrutes conmigo la melodía que hice y traigo aquí. Gracias por tu amor.

La canción que traigo se titula "solo un paseo más cercano contigo". En esto el "tú" se refiere a Dios. Por lo tanto, es un canto de súplica a Dios para que nos conceda un caminar más cercano a Él. Pero ¿por qué buscar un caminar más cercano a Dios? ¿Cómo se puede siquiera caminar cerca de un Dios que parece estar muy lejos en el cielo y nunca se ve? ¿Es Él siquiera una realidad viviente?... Estas y muchas otras preguntas relacionadas son los problemas que enfrentamos de vez en cuando mientras tratamos de definir nuestra relación con el ser supremo (Dios).

¿Necesitamos dar respuestas? Sí, en la medida que podamos quizás nuestras respuestas puedan ser un medio para la conversión de alguien. Pero entonces, no esté tan convencido de que puede convencer a la gente con las respuestas que pueda brindar. Así es la vida para ti y hay que seguir la tendencia, jeje.


Bueno, todo esto son apartes, aquí quiero reflexionar sobre el tema de la relación con Dios y por extensión con los humanos. De hecho, necesitamos un caminar más cercano a Jesús en los acontecimientos de nuestras vidas. Esto se debe a que somos seres llenos de muchas limitaciones y por lo tanto necesitamos ayuda. Dios es el único Ser sin potencial pero con plena actualidad. Él nos ayuda a alcanzar nuestro potencial, pero sólo cuando le ofrecemos nuestras manos para pedirle ayuda.

Cualquiera que camina con el Señor nunca se extravía y al final tendrá una vida feliz. Por extensión, un caminar más cercano a Jesús implica una buena relación con las personas que te rodean. Una relación caracterizada por el amor y el cuidado. Esto no sólo es rentable para una buena relación con Dios, sino para una sociedad mejor para detener las guerras que libramos entre nosotros por cosas que no importan.

Canto este canto con toda alegría y pasión y deseo que disfrutes conmigo y busques acercarte a Jesús y caminar con Él en tus viajes de la vida. Gracias por tu tiempo y apoyo.

▶️ 3Speak


I like the enthusiasm with which you sing. Your essence is quite energetic. Thanks for being here my friend 👏🏼

Thanks you so much
It pleases me to get such nice comment

I enjoyed this your music and also from your write up I pray that I seek the closer relationship with God . Thanks and keep up the good work

Tanchu my dear

Without a doubt the best thing to do is to walk with Jesus, it reminds me of the biblical passage when Moses said: if your presence does not go with me, I will not go!

I think you have brought us a beautiful presentation!


That biblical verse is the best passage to accompany this post. Thanks for the insight. And thanks for your time and support

That's what I thought when I read your post!

That insight comes from God! hahahahahah!


Thanks a lot

I deed, that's a perfect verse for this post. It shows your good knowledge of the Bible, hehe

Greetings friend!

Well I was born in the gospel, and I have some knowledge of the Bible, the most wonderful book in existence!


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Thanks so much @hivebuzz

That's great @jesus-son! We're excited to see your accomplishments on Hive! We'll continue to support you to achieve your next goals!

I am grateful

Ammzing i love the melody and your voice was so good
Well done my fried
A big hug

Thanks so much friend.glad you liked it

Una maravillosa presentación amigo!

Lo mejor del mundo es caminar con Dios!


Muchas gracias amigo