Hive Music Festival week #70 Round #1 || A Cover of more than gold by Judikay [Eng/Esp]

in Music Zone8 months ago

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Hello hive music festival week #70 round #1, my name is @jesus-son and here I bring you a song to celebrate the week.

In this week I decided to do a cover of a song by a woman I admire so much her musical productions. Her voice is great and her charisma is awsome. Her name is Judikay. Sometimes when I hear her sing, I mistake her to be another gospel artiste in Nigeria named Mercy Chinwo and that's for the fact that they have very similar voices.

I shall present the song "More than gold". Who or what is more than gold? For many of us guys, so many times when we want to woo a lady to fall in love with us, we use many words to make her feel good and then love us. Things like: You are my sugar; you are my world; you are the air that I breathe; you are more than gold or silver to me, etc. Well, these words or statements for most of us do not really come from our hearts but only serve for he motive of getting what we want.


However, here, there is a different reference to what is meant by "more than gold". And in this reference, it is from a consciously genuine intention. The song is a song of praise to God addressing God to be more than gold.

For any other person it may be a thing of no interest but of course for me as I always say, it is something so special to me because I know and I am well convinced that the many opportunities I have in life are gifts which I don't worth on a normal ground but which have been accorded to me by the grace of God.


The song addresses Jesus as the all and all of life. He is the reason of our being and we actually need to recognise that fact. I therefore aim to create this awareness through this post. I bring you this with every sense of passion. I hope you derive some meaning in it. Thanks for coming around.


Hola Hive Music Festival Semana #70 Ronda #1, mi nombre es @jesus-son y aquí les traigo una canción para celebrar la semana.

En esta semana decidí hacer un cover de una canción de una mujer que admiro mucho por sus producciones musicales.
su voz es genial y su carisma es impresionante.
su nombre es judikay.
A veces, cuando la escucho cantar, la confundo con otra artista de gospel en Nigeria llamada Mercy Chinwo y eso se debe al hecho de que tienen voces muy similares.


Presentaré la canción más que oro.
¿Quién o qué es más que oro?
Para muchos de nosotros, hombres, muchas veces cuando queremos cortejar a una dama para que se enamore de nosotros, usamos muchas palabras para hacerla sentir bien y luego amarnos.
cosas como: tú eres mi azúcar;
eres mi mundo;
eres el aire que respiro;
eres más que oro o plata para mí, etc
bueno, estas palabras o declaraciones para la mayoría de nosotros realmente no provienen de nuestro corazón sino que solo sirven para obtener lo que queremos.

sin embargo, aquí hay una referencia diferente a lo que se entiende por más que oro.
y en esta referencia, es desde una intención conscientemente genuina.
el canto es un canto de alabanza a dios dirigiéndose a dios para que sea más que oro.

para cualquier otra persona puede ser algo sin interés pero claro para mí como siempre digo, es algo muy especial para mí porque sé y estoy bien convencido de que las muchas oportunidades que tengo en la vida son regalos que no
No valen la pena en términos normales, pero me han sido concedidos por la gracia de Dios.


la canción se dirige a jesús como el todo y la totalidad de la vida.
él es la razón de nuestro ser y realmente necesitamos reconocer ese hecho.
Por lo tanto, mi objetivo es crear esta conciencia a través de esta publicación.
Les traigo esto con todo el sentido de la pasión.
Espero que le des algún significado.
gracias por venir.

▶️ 3Speak


Oga, you are just getting better and better everyday. Well done sir

I dey try follow your footstep na
Thanks d lady
Where u dey since na, e don tey o

Bravo amigo tu voz es fuerte y hermosa y qie decir de la manera en que tocas el teclado, eres simplemente impreaionante.

Muchas gracias hermano

Por nada bro

O Yes. You got the boys well. So many sweet words just to get women for their selfish purpose.
Your cover is very great. Thanks for sharing

Thanks so much ma

Big man with doings, don't forget that you'll still teach me how to play piano ooo 😃 just tell me when we're starting the class sir.
Nice presentation 🙌

Every time I listen to your piano I delight in those precious musical notes and your voice is the perfect complement to praise our creator. You don't know how meaningful that is to me. Greetings and hugs to you in the distance my friend. Keep it up... 🙏✨🙏

And any time I read your comments i feel like I am a celebrity
You are an inspiration for me and I value that so much
Thanks so much dear friend

Jesus 🤭🤭🤭🤭 you sure are the inspiration of many. Musically you are excellent and for you these are my most sincere words. Greetings ✨🤝✨💖🤝✨💖

Beautiful as always! The Gospel Music is wonderful.

I like your attitude and your musicality !

A fraternal embrace.

Thanks so much bro