Hive Music Festival Week #68 Round #2 || A Cover of Priestly people @jesus-son [Eng/Esp]

in Music Zone9 months ago

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Hello Hive Music Festival week #68 round #2, my name is @jesus-son and I bring you the cover of a song which I feel inspired to present in this week's contest. I hope you derive some meaning in this post and enjoy with me.

I present a cover of the song "priestly people". This is classified under the installation songs in my church, Catholic church to be more precise. It is tagged as so because it is a song we sing mostly for the occasions of the ordination of candidates to the priesthood or for any installation activity like conferring of the ministries and all of that.

I don't want to bore you with all that story of my church doctrines and activiyies. So I tell you why I feel like sharing this song with you and what I aim to achieve with this.

In life, we are all missionaries in one way or the other. Missionaries either in deeds or in words. The pastors and priests in our churches are or are supposed to be missionaries in the two forms for sure. For us, we can be both or at least one. Who are missionaries? They are people who proclaim the goodnews and for our interest, one doesn't need to be a Christian to be a missionary.


We are missionaries the moment we act in a way that inspire others around us. We are missionaries, the moment we show love to one another and by so teach them to love. We don't always need words to communicate vital information. Our actions are very powerful tools.

This song which I present here talks about we as priestly people called to offer sacrifices to God. We are kingly people called to rule our passions. We are God's Chosen people to proclaim love to the world and live it.

The lyrics of this song is just so catching for me and makes me to ponder a lot. Dear friends, we have to bear this in mind. We are first of all, humans before becoming members of one religious group or the other. And as humans, we always want things to go well for us. It is therefore just a thing of human goodness to do good to others around us.

The golden rule which says "do to others what you want done to you" explains it all. In sum, let the world be a world of peace and love. I bring you this song with love. I appreciate you for your time and support.



Hola Hive Music Festival Semana #68 Ronda #2, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les traigo el cover de una canción que me siento inspirado a presentar en el concurso de esta semana.
Espero que encuentres algún significado en esta publicación y la disfrutes conmigo.

Les presento un cover de la canción pueblo sacerdotal.
Esto está clasificado bajo las canciones de instalación en mi iglesia, iglesia católica para ser más precisos.
Se etiqueta así porque es una canción que cantamos principalmente en las ocasiones de la ordenación de candidatos al sacerdocio o para cualquier actividad de instalación como conferir los ministerios y todo eso.

No quiero aburrirlos con toda esa historia de las doctrinas y actividades de mi iglesia.
así que les cuento por qué tengo ganas de compartir esta canción con ustedes y qué pretendo lograr con esto.


En la vida todos somos misioneros de una forma u otra.
misioneros ya sea en hechos o en palabras.
Los pastores y sacerdotes de nuestras iglesias son o se supone que son misioneros en las dos formas con seguridad.
para nosotros podemos ser ambos o al menos uno.
¿Quiénes son los misioneros?
son personas que proclaman la buena nueva y para nuestro interés no es necesario ser cristiano para ser misionero.

Somos misioneros en el momento en que actuamos de una manera que inspira a otros a nuestro alrededor.
somos misioneros, en el momento en que nos demostramos amor unos a otros y así les enseñamos a amar.
No siempre necesitamos palabras para comunicar información vital.
nuestras acciones son herramientas muy poderosas.

esta canción que aquí presento habla de nosotros como pueblo sacerdotal llamados a ofrecer sacrificios a dios.
Somos gente real llamada a gobernar nuestras pasiones.
somos el pueblo elegido de dios para proclamar el amor al mundo y vivirlo.

La letra de esta canción es muy atrapante para mí y me hace reflexionar mucho.
Queridos amigos, debemos tener esto en cuenta.
somos ante todo humanos antes de convertirnos en miembros de un grupo religioso u otro.
y como seres humanos, siempre queremos que las cosas nos vayan bien.
por lo tanto, es sólo una cuestión de bondad humana hacer el bien a los que nos rodean.


La regla de oro que dice haz a los demás lo que quieras que te hagan a ti lo explica todo.
en resumen, que el mundo sea un mundo de paz y amor.
Les traigo esta canción con mucho cariño.
Te agradezco tu tiempo y apoyo.

▶️ 3Speak


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Thanks for your support

This is a wonderful cover from you bro.
E be like say a UK thhis chief dey?

Thanks a lot bro. You too much

the song lyrics are extraordinary, friend, and this presentation is also very good, which can be concluded that as Christians we must give our love to other people, and the Lord Jesus taught that love is greater than anything and a Christian lesson that I really remember, if You were slapped on the right cheek, you gave me your left cheek again, from there I knew that I had learned to give
n love, not everything has to be repaid with evil, it's better for us to be patient to face it, God will give more than that, thank you for your appearance, have a nice day😇🙏🏻🤗

You got the message very well bro. Thanks so much for appreciating my work

Hello dear Jesus.
I didn't know you were a member of the Catholic Church, we are too.... In fact my girls belong to a catholic school called Niños Cantores de Villa de Cura and which is Cultural Heritage of the state of Aragua. They recently participated in the Pilgrimages that are celebrated in my city playing their melodic instrument which is the recorder.
I liked it very much; the background track, the melody of your piano and especially your voice ideal for this

Oh, nice to hear this. The Catholic faith is very rich and I am proud to be
Thanks so much for your comment