The instrument I got really carried away when it is play

in GEMS7 months ago

Since when I was a kid piano has been my best instrument, me and my friends used to gather and make something like a piano, just because we wanted to hear the sound of piano, the first day I touch a piano with my hand's, was in an occasion, I went there with my Aunt, about the time my Aunt wants and greet her friends, I get up from my seat and walked closer to the band unit, I asked the man that was connecting the wires into the piano to allow me to touch it because I wanted to feel it and see where it produce it sounds from.

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When my Aunt's saw me talking to the band unit, she thought i have caused trouble and she almost scold me from where she was standing, until she realizes I was just there to see things for myself, I was so happy in the event and when i get to where we lived, I told my friends that I have touched a piano with my hand's, they were all cheering on me, the happiness on their faces was so big as they demanded me to tell them, how the instrument was on my hands.

I got carried away by the sound of the piano when the band group start playing, I am sure a lot of people agree about the piano being the best instrument of all, before I used to think it was a guitar that's the best instrument, maybe why I believed so was the way people hang guitar on their neck.

But piano can not be hung on the neck because it is heavy but on the spot you kept it, a lot of works can be gotten from it.

The thing about piano is that, it can be used to make a full beat for singers else it can be hard for others instruments to be used in making beats without a piano.

I have seen where a piano player switch on some few keys in the instrument and he was using his hands on the keyboard to add the remaining keys, then he make a full good beat, his keyboard was just like a studio and it gotten to a point where it was just like a complete studio that has a singer on the inside because the beat was complete and didn't missed anything even the singer.

In a song making, if the producer does not take a good caution on the piano part, it would just be so empty because nothing is going to make it complete. Imagine a farmland that is not properly cleared and tilled for planting and the farmer want to start planting.

That's just how a beat without a good Piano is like, once I used my friend computer and I wanted to try how to make a beat, when I opened the FL studio 10, I got to the piano and I start playing, I discovered that they are more to a piano than just a beat maker instrument, infact, Piano on it own is a complete studio instrument.