Right now, I dislike too much minimalism, this is why

I am one of those people, that lived his life, in a way of knowing that, things works in vice versa, most action's we found so precious to us can later change and it might even becomes the things that can causes us troubles.

I like the things I do to be so moderate and not too much on each sides, because I have realized that, on any side I decided to give more attention than I should, that will be the area where troubles would start coming.

In as much I like spending low and I always avoid spending too much than I earned. There was a time I bought a banana and the thing about banana and me is that, I can eat little now and the next minute, I will want to eat it again, because i detest the too much sweetness that I feel inside, so I will want to go slowly with the fruits.

Then on this day, I gave some of the banana to my siblings and keep some for myself, it was three that I kept for myself, but because everyone knows I do not like banana that much, before I could come out of the bathroom, what remains of the banana was a half, my brother's has finished eating theirs and they also cut part of the one that remains for me.

That was because they knew that I used to eat so small of it but failed to understand if It was small that I wanted to eat that day or not, so, to trace it on a large scale, it can be understand that my too minimalist style of eating banana has been used against me, because everyone knows I do not want it big and from there, they have the right to deprived me of the banana when I needed it big.

The way I set my life since then is, trying to be moderate on everything I do, so that it doesn't affect me or be used against me in the presence of people who know me to the drop.

If I am to buy a banana, I will tell my siblings that I am not someone of yesterday who eat small banana, so when they are taking theirs, they should remained bigger one for me because I want to eat big.

A too much minimalist person has given people the right to decide on his/her life and that's where I do not like it, even if you wouldn't want it big, let it be that you make the choice yourself and people do not decide on your behalf.

Images are my authorship


I agree with you my friend, the best thing is for everyone to choose their lifestyle without anyone imposing their views. It is one thing to suggest and quite another to impose.

I love bananas in all their presentations, I would have no problem with that, but you are right in what you say, what may be good now may not be good later because of the interpretation given by others.

Greetings 🤗

Immediately somebody find out that people are misinterpreting his/her view, it will be to let them know that, they shouldn't used it words against him/her, thanks for coming through dear friend.

Minimalist Cover Gif-7.jpg

Thank you.

Nice write up

Thanks for coming through dear friend.