Vibes web3 music competition week 8// I give you all. Original song by @fasacity

in Vibes6 months ago (edited)

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Vibes web3 music competition for week 8.
It has always been an awesome moment on this sphere. Music does a lot to humanity. I have heard people healed and inspired because of the sound they listened to. Thanks to the set person @lordbutterfly for this wonderful initiative which has bounded so many music minded personalities across the globe.

In this edition, I decided to sing one of my songs that I composed recently titled I give you all. I was inspired to sing this song after the turbulence that occurred in my family. I couldn't hold it because I saw the faithfulness of God at the end of the tunnel.

I give you all is a heartfelt worship to the lord. He owns all the glory, honour, power and dominion. No man can contest with Him and for his glory. God has fulfilled all His promises unlike man that always disappoints and fails. God can't lie neither can he fail. What He says is what he'll do. He can be trusted.
Are you perplexed, are you at the verge of giving up? Don't please because it's not yet over. Give him praise and glory in every situation.

I did the song with an accompaniment via my acoustic guitar. I hope you this rendition will add value to your soul.


Oooh ...haha...
You're not a man
That you should lie
You're not a man that you should lie
What you say, is what you do
Oooh... I'll worship you....
You alone deserves all the glory,
There's no man that can contest with you...


I give you all...
I give you all
I give you all
I give you all
I give you all the glory,
I give you all...
I give you all the glory...

Thanks for watching and comments appreciated.


Concurso de música Vibes web3 para la semana 8. Siempre ha sido un momento maravilloso en esta esfera. La música hace mucho por la humanidad. He escuchado a personas sanadas e inspiradas gracias al sonido que escucharon. Gracias a la persona del set @lordbutterfly por esta maravillosa iniciativa que ha unido a tantas personalidades con mentalidad musical en todo el mundo. En esta edición decidí cantar una de mis canciones que compuse recientemente titulada Te doy todo. Me inspiré para cantar esta canción después de la turbulencia que ocurrió en mi familia. No pude aguantar porque vi la fidelidad de Dios al final del túnel. Les doy todo es una sentida adoración al señor. A él pertenece toda la gloria, el honor, el poder y el dominio. Ningún hombre puede competir con Él y por su gloria. Dios ha cumplido todas Sus promesas a diferencia del hombre que siempre decepciona y falla. Dios no puede mentir ni puede fallar. Lo que Él dice es lo que hará. Se puede confiar en él. ¿Estás perplejo, estás a punto de rendirte? No lo hagas por favor porque aún no ha terminado. Dale alabanza y gloria en cada situación. Hice la canción con acompañamiento de mi guitarra acústica. Espero que esta interpretación agregue valor a tu alma.


Ooh... jaja... no eres un hombre que deberías mentir No eres un hombre al que deberías mentir Lo que dices, es lo que haces Oooh... te adoraré.... Sólo tú mereces toda la gloria, No hay hombre que pueda competir contigo...


Te doy todo... Te doy todo Te doy todo Te doy todo te doy toda la gloria, Te doy todo... Te doy toda la gloria... Gracias por mirar y se agradecen los comentarios.

Here is my X link

1779941824582271296?t=2aPOGLLnqEY5C06zM5KhRQ&s=19 twitter metadata:RnJpZGF5ZmFzYXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9GcmlkYXlmYXNhL3N0YXR1cy8xNzc5OTQxODI0NTgyMjcxMjk2P3Q9MmFQT0dMTG5xRVk1QzA2ek01S2hSUSZzPTE5fA== ~~~

▶️ 3Speak


Beautiful original song sir
You did a great job dear
Nice lyrics here

Thanks so much for visiting my oga the superintendent of voice. I will soon come for training fa.

That was a beautiful ministration. I give you all. Kudos to your performance.

Thanks for the kind compliments.

Yes ooh God is not a man

Lovely presentation. Like the originality.

I really appreciate it ma. Na gode

Thanks for sharing with us.
Nice presentation. 🌹❣️❣️

Thanks for coming around.