We sight ourselves and we got what is in our eyes
I see the love, joy and everything I needed from her right on that time
I was just curious of her love in the future
but she got me cover base on my words and I didn't know
She already admired me from A to Z
Just because of the things I said
I didn't kept it to myself
It was on that same occasion that I exposed how I felt about her
The creature I saw was an angel
I could not see an angel and I would not talked
She heard it from me the first time
And she saw me the first time
I was just expressing my thoughts of what I see
I didn't know our heart has catch a feelings
we grow more affection
We want nothing than a world together
Yesterday it became a reality
In the arm's of my angel I was there
Smelling the odour of her perfume as she smells mine
I do not want this love to go away
The quality time we have together I want it again