Continue to wheel your passion

in Writing Club11 months ago (edited)

The dreams is to admirable on the hill
Don't push me like a string because I had no wings
I can control myself when there's no wind
I am so admirable on the wheel
The directive was to be selective on the wheel
Know what's best to take as you winks

I used to think I was the biggest in the city
I was admirable to hold my mouth if not I will have make a noise
I do not just love math but I lived with the solutions
I jot it all down for my remembrance
I respect every solutions that's sounding great to me

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I keep an admirable mindset no matter what and I speak we all win
I looked at you as my brother
take my solutions for it and believe that it's going to help
Don't ever regret but learned
Don't ever cried but smile
Continue to be the person you ever want

Everything you do is not a waste
They all have a purpose
maybe it's not for you to realize about it but others are admiring
You inspired a lot and others inspire you as well
You are no longer a nobody you are a somebody
Lived your best behavior with no regrets I said it again

wheel the right path and your pages will speak of you
It doesn't matter the module or the brand but continue to wheel
make it best to your taste
Lived with passion
Don't eat up your passion
Continue to wheel.