A picture is worth a thousand words

in Freewriters9 months ago

The photo was taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Rose took her daughter out to the yogurt shop, she order for yoghurt for she and her daughter and it was brought to them, the daughter told her mother that she left one of her toy in the car and, she wants to go and brings it to where they seat, so that the toy can play and have fun with her brother while she talks with her mother, she and her mother went out and when they came back to their seats at the yogurt shop.

It was three yogurt that was seen on the table instead of two, Rose was confused, she get the attention of the waitress to confirmed if another person's is going to join them on the table as she only requested for two yogurts for her and her daughter.

The waitress told her that one of the yogurt is for the toy, that in their yoghurt shop, toy's, human or whatever are treated according, they do not discriminate.

Rose daughter smiles, she knows it was a good day for her toy to drink yogurt, but how was the toy's supposed to drink it?, the question continues.


Smiles, if only there are such rules in eateries over here, inanimate object being really treated the same

No rules like that in any places, but nothing than way's of making new writing. Thanks, I admire your comment.

In this shop, pluche animals and pets are treated like members of the family. I wonder if this attracts customers.

Yes, it attract customers and most families went to the shop just to have this experience.

I would too. 🙂


Hahaha 🤣 waitress is funny, how can ice cream be foe the toy. Thanks for sharing

In this world we lived now, anything is possible, thanks I admire your comment.

You and I had a similar thought ... some children would indeed be upset if the toy was discriminated against ... my sister is one of those, while I would have been like Rose's daughter!

Discrimination is something people should differ from, I like it that everything was done out of not making anyone upset. Thanks, I admire your comment.

So sweet she wants her brother to have company.

Thank you for joining this contest

You are welcome. I admire your comment.