5 minutes freewrite prompt: my corruption

in Freewriters6 months ago

I heard it from the other room and the man was talking about his family, I knew it was about his family, he was talking about, because he mentioned, a child's name and it was a girl child, and supposingly, who he was talking about, was his wife.

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He was trying to reconcile for the hardship he has caused her and her younger sister, because he thought his wife used to insult him, meanwhile, the adorable lady was never an insultive person, she was playful and she use to talked to him in an irony manner, it seems her husband didn't understand most of the things she said, because there were all in opposite.

Therefore, it makes Mike to feels bad and decided to be living in a hotel, and he has been there for weeks, but he realizes he is wrong for leaving his wife and his sister.

Living in a hotel was so much expensive that he could not bear it any longer.

It was not a well furnished hotel, and the hotel was located in the rural area, so on the day I visit there, his conversation on phone was directing into my room, which I believed that mine as well would gets into his room also, if I was making a call.

Mike said it loud that, he brings corruption into his family, but his wife should try and forgive him, as well as his sister, but the wife didn't hold any grudges against him, she was even praying that the Lord should protect him wherever he was and make him remember his family.

It was a prayer answered for her when Mike called and said that he realized himself, and she rightly told him that, she has forgiven him for going away and leave them, and her sister as well, has no hate for him, therefore, he should come back to his family, where he belongs.

In the other room, I can see the sincerity in the conversation, and I was able to realize that, love is strengthen in that position it find's peace.

This is my entry in the @mariannewest, 5 minutes freewrite prompt: My corruption.