5 minutes freewrite prompt: let it bleed

in Freewriterslast year

We enter into the evil forest, because everyone speak of that forest, as the right place where mushrooms of all kinds can be seen, we wanted mushrooms, particularly, I wanted to eat it, because I love mushrooms so much, then in the forest entrance, a big tree is something you must crossed before you enter inside.

The tree has a dangerous leafs, it was like a canopy that has no ending length, something that if it touches you, it would go into your body and it will injured you, so six of us has crossed the big tree and the last person was about to cross, but the leafs of the tree stuck on his shoes, and hit him, he felt pains and blood was bleeding out.

we stopped and looked for a way to make him to feel alright, the voice came out of the tree and was telling us to let the blood out, the people who went to the evil forest with me wanted to accept but I stand out and refused to acknowledge such a thing.

I brought out a first aid and give it to the person and he was feeling okay, we continue our journey into the evil forest and all of us came back home with basket full of mushrooms.

This is my entry in the let it bleed 5 minutes freewrite prompt by @mariannewest.

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