in Hive Open Mic3 months ago

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Hello guys, I am @ernesto6402 and I am happy to be here one again for this amazing musical event. I was so occupied last last week that I could not participate fully in the activities of the community, I really missed being a part of the community. In a special way I appreciate the community for coming up with the theme summertime for this weeks hive open mic.

Hola chicos, soy @ernesto6402 y estoy feliz de estar aquí nuevamente para este increíble evento musical. Estuve tan ocupada la semana pasada que no pude participar plenamente en las actividades de la comunidad, realmente extrañaba ser parte de la comunidad. De una manera especial, agradezco a la comunidad por proponer el tema Summertime para el micrófono abierto de Hive de esta semana.


Due to my in-activeness in the community last week, I was unable to be a part of the week's open mic. Participating today, I will be seizing this opportunity to do what I would have loved to do the week before now. On this regard, I send my special greetings to Papa @lecumberre, I am certain God is doing a new thing in your life. You are definitely going to get well soon.

Debido a mi inactividad en la comunidad la semana pasada, no pude ser parte del micrófono abierto de la semana. Al participar hoy, aprovecharé esta oportunidad para hacer lo que me hubiera encantado hacer la semana anterior. En este sentido envío un saludo especial a Papá @lecumberre, estoy segura que Dios está haciendo algo nuevo en tu vida. Definitivamente te recuperarás pronto.

Summertime is indeed an amazing theme, it has a way of bringing this feeling of joy, happiness and freedom to mind. Yesterday was good Shepherd Sunday and it kind of influenced my performance today. The fact that God is my Shepherd have a way of bringing joy and happiness to my soul, it constantly remind me that I have got nothing to worry about and that I am a free man. My knowledge of the fact that God is my Shepherd have a way of bringing summer feelings to my being.

El verano es realmente un tema asombroso, tiene una manera de recordar este sentimiento de alegría, felicidad y libertad. Ayer fue Domingo del Buen Pastor y eso influyó en mi desempeño de hoy. El hecho de que Dios sea mi Pastor tiene una manera de traer alegría y felicidad a mi alma, me recuerda constantemente que no tengo nada de qué preocuparme y que soy un hombre libre. Mi conocimiento del hecho de que Dios es mi Pastor tiene una manera de traer sentimientos de verano a mi ser.

Still in the spirit of the theme of the week, I send words of encouragement to Papa @lecumberre. The lord is indeed you shepherd and he will certainly lead you out of whatever pains you are going through at the moment. Get well soon and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ never depart from you and your house hold.

Siguiendo el espíritu del tema de la semana, envío palabras de aliento a Papá @lecumberre. El Señor es en verdad tu pastor y ciertamente te sacará de cualquier dolor que estés atravesando en este momento. Que te mejores pronto y que la gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo nunca se aparte de ti y de tu casa.

The song I will be performing today is titled "the lord my shepherd". The song the lord my shepherd was inspired by the shepherd Sunday we had few days ago, I only composed that song while sitting on the keyboard the evening of that same Sunday to perform something for this week's hive open mic. The entire song was just me trying out my freestyle skills and it didn't turn out so bad. I will try as much as possible to write down the lyrics of the song even though it completely a freestyle. In all, I just hope you enjoy my freestyle.

La canción que interpretaré hoy se titula "el señor mi pastor". La canción el señor mi pastor fue inspirada por el domingo de pastor que tuvimos hace unos días, solo compuse esa canción mientras estaba sentado en el teclado la noche de ese mismo domingo para interpretar algo para el micrófono abierto de la colmena de esta semana. Toda la canción era solo yo probando mis habilidades de estilo libre y no salió tan mal. Intentaré en la medida de lo posible escribir la letra de la canción a pesar de que es completamente un estilo libre. En definitiva, sólo espero que disfrutes de mi estilo libre.

Original Lyrics/Letras originales

The lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I shall want
For he watches over every step that I am gonna take
And I fear no evil at all x2

Surely goodness and mercies shall follow me
All the days of my life till enternity
Because my father got all it takes to keep me safe
And there is nothing I shall want

The lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I shall want
For he watches over every step that I am gonna take
And I fear no evil at all

Oh he will always keep me
From the darts of my enemies
His right hand will shield me
He's always bedside me
And I fear no evil at all

The lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I shall want
For he watches over every step that I am gonna take
And I fear no evil at all

Papa mi (my father)
Baba mi (my father)
I trust that
You will supply all my need x2

I will never go hungry
I will never suffer
Cause I've got the might creator by my side

For the lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I shall want
For he watches over every step that I am gonna take
And I fear no evil at all

Thank you Lord
Thank you shepherd mi (my shepherd)

The lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I shall want
For he watches over every step that I am gonna take
And I fear no evil at all

▶️ 3Speak


blessings brother beautiful interpretation and of course dad God is doing something in our lives may the peace of God rule your heart 😊

Thank you so much @sultanmix777, I really appreciate your kind words

Wow bro
I can feel the passion and the agility
Thank you for sharing 🙏😊

You are much welcome bro. Thank you too for your kind and uplifting words

Such a wonderful presentation dear friend, I really enjoyed your playing of the piano and singing at the same time. You did an amazing job, bravo 👏👏