Living in Japan, one thing you don't have to worry about is guns. It is so hard to get a license many don't even bother to try and being a fire arms holder is just not part of the culture.
But that doesn't mean Japan is crime free, especially when it comes to crazy shit! Like what happened on Halloween night. A man dressed as the joker brandished a knife, set a train cart on fire then sat and smoked a cig in true joker style in the heart of Tokyo. 17 were injured.
I can only imagine the crazy shit that would have happened that night if guns were easily accessible here.
Jamaica may have a high crime rate but we can pinpoint the root cause of this to the lack of jobs and inflation griping the Caribbean nation, also the easy access to guns. Not a good formula. Some may say it is ingrained in the culture but the way I see it, poverty is the root.
In Japan, the pressure of long work days, the mentor culture, fitting in instead of standing out and the overwhelming taxes slapped on individuals is enough to make some one freak the fvck out. It is like you are just alive but not living. So when I see such headlines it really doesn't surprise me as there is a lot of pressure here especially for the Japanese people.
I always wondered what Jamaica would be like without guns but that reality is a Disneyland dream. As a mater of fact more people are getting licensed fire arms, according to street sources. Why? To even the playing field. If the criminals have guns, the law abiding citizens want weapons to protect themselves.
Humans have been violent form the beginning of time and if every gun were to suddenly disappear, no doubt they would revert to more primitive weapons. But why has man been violent over the centuries? Power, religion, politics, and war. The system is the root.
Well, seeing this photo reminded me of this song form Natty King called No Guns To Town. It was a song that made him popular on the Reggae arena in 2003. Do you know this one?

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