Unlike my previous presentations where I sing covers, this is written - from beginning to end - by yours truly.
The title stems from a strong desire to change my story and become somebody. The lyrics of this song came when I was preparing for this phase of my life. I had no idea what I was going to meet in the future but one thing was certain - I will WIN.
This is a tribute to the one person who has been there with no complains. I can be a very difficult person and she has dealt with it (at the same time disciplining me in a loving way). She's my Mother.
Some would say, "well she is your mom. That's why it's easy for her". I don't believe so. Just because they are your parents doesn't mean they should tolerate nonsense. If you gre up in a home with a strict father, you will understand what I mean. Is just one look he will give you ehn...
The lyrics are quite clear. I likened myself to a designer bag because when I was little, they called me Mommy's Handbag. I went everywhere with her. I was the gum to her hair.
We've been called poor and ridiculed over many things. I am not proud to say that we have had to beg which made me prey to very...perverted and twisted human beings. But God has been faithful and I can't remember the last time I went to ask anyone (who isn't my friend/Mom) anything.
Looking back on where I am coming from, I can say with my full chest that it only gets better from here.
I plan to take this song to a studio and work on it more professionally. This is just a glimpse of one of my songs. Haha. I fit release album like this o! But that won't be a surprise. I love music and only recently started coming out with it.
I am a bit camera shy so, no vex say I no look camera.
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