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RE: Morning Walk - Testing out the iPhone 15 Plus Camera

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago

Always good to walk in the morning. Before I had kids, I would get out sometime between 5 and 6 for a jog. Now that the kids are both in elementary school, after they leave in the morning I take a quick walk around the neighborhood before starting my work. Love that time of day.

Those are beautiful flowers. The macro capabilities of the iPhone 15 are amazing indeed. So much so that I've considered upgrading my 13. I probably won't, but the temptation is there.


The morning walks are the best! The only problem is when winter comes around and even 6:30 is dark and its really cold. Gotta build up the will.

The camera on the 15 is great but if I had a 13 I doubt i would have upgraded, not a big enough difference but I do understand the temptation.