How my new year went

in Hive Learners9 months ago

We human beings are fund of showing enthusiasm towards some certain days such as the fist day of the month, our day of birth which is the first day we were brought into this world, sometimes even the first day of the week is celebrated, you’d agree with me that you can’t fully talk about Sundays without talking of Sunday rice haha, then coming down to the first day of the year, it’s a mega celebration.

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My new year celebration started some hours before 2024, the sound of fireworks was almost everywhere, my dad was super scared about the sound while we the young ones were enjoying the sound, I attended the cross over night service in my church and it was really great, everybody was jubilating and celebrating, you’d be surprise that even people that had problem were dancing together, no body wanted to carry problem into 2024, for me that was one of my best service through out 2023, yeah and it was also special to me because it was a service in the middle of two years, I couldn’t just afford to miss it.

After the cross over service, I headed home, people were dancing on the street, celebrating the new, well I had no intention of joining them, I don’t do street dance and I also knew that not everybody was celebrating, some went there to steal phones, I was very careful even while I was passing through to get my house, I wasn’t surprise seeing most of my friend’s online, the worst thing was that as I went home my elder sister was looking for a means to charge her phone because we had issues with our light, well I wasn’t surprise as I said earlier.

I wasn’t able to go for the early morning service but trust my dad, we did our own family new year service at home, it was interesting and also reuniting as everyone of us was asked to red a passage in the bible, funny enough none of us (the children) was flipping through the pages of the bible, we were all using our cellphone haha, youth of nowadays don’t like stress, I did few house chores in the morning and then it was watching movies.

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What I wanted that didn’t happen was the planned family hangout, we actually planned to go on a date with ourselves hahaha, as it we did the previous year but this year’s hangout didn’t work due to some frustrating issues, since we had light issues we tried to use our generator but it was also not working, we were all left to operate our cellphone, I didn’t like the fact that things were disappointing us, but were not bothered because we all crossed over with good health, I also remembered that I did giveaway to my brothers, I gave one my power bank hoping to get a new one and gave the other one my usb chord, while I was giving them I remembered how they use to be stubborn to me but I just overlooked their stubbornness.

This is my entry for the hive learners weekly contest week 96 edition 1
Designed via Canva


Being alive is just the best gift for a new year and it's really so nice that we had the opportunity to see another year.

You're a really good brother too, giving things to your siblings even though they are stubborn is really kind of you but I feel you should not spoil them too much 😂

Yeah true, their stubbornness is just de Niaja type

Lol, well I'm very sure you want the best for them so you'd definitely make the right choices as much as you can 😊

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We just can't help attaching honor to certain days, heheh, special days ought to be remembered. Sorry about the hangout but atleast you hung out with you phone LoL.
Givers never lack, don't worry you will get a new power bank in no time. I just hope you will continue with that act of giving, you are starting something amazing, next year do your best to do even more, and it should be to outsiders.