Reducing my usage of single use Plastic Containers

in ReggaeJAHM3 years ago (edited)

Recently while making an effort to drink more water 💦 I noticed that I was using alot of plastic bottles as they are readily available in convenience stores, supermarkets and vending machines. I also noticed that as a result of me taking home the bottles we had a huge bag of PET bottles to discard each week.

After talking about it with my wife I decided to start walking with my own drink bottle for hot and cold beverages. As a result, not only have we been saving money by not buying water, I also have significantly reduced my contribution to the creation of plastic waste (in the form of PET bottles at least.)


Recently I found out that Japan is the second largest contributor to plastic waste per capita, second only behind the USA.A significant portion of this waste comes from packaging for the products we consume.I also learned that if the current trends in plastic usage and disposal continues worldwide, by 2050 we could have more plastic in the ocean than fish 🐟.

Since 1950 global plastic production has increased from 15MT to 367MT in 2020. Plastic is cheap, easy to use and convenient. Unfortunately at the end of the process, a significant portion ends up in landfills and the ocean. Bearing in mind that plastic takes years to break down, the product that was once a huge help has now created a massive environmental problem. There is some general agreement that it’s time for a change but of course change takes time and will power.

Who are the drivers of change?
Is it consumers like you and me, businesses, the government or a combination of all three?
What can we do collectively to reduce our consumption of plastic? How can we manage disposal so that it never reaches the ocean?


It used to be the norm here in the US for there to be public water fountains - not only in buildings like schools and offices, but also in the park that anybody could use. It is SUPER rare now to find a drinking fountain in a park. Not impossible ...but rare. And generally in really far-flung suburban parks ...not in the city parks where homeless people gather. Who could, you know, use them most of all. It's the same with public bathrooms. I'm old enough to remember before bottled water was such a thing. I think Evian existed but everyone joked that it was naive to spend so much on water ...Evian spelled backwards. I don't know when it became so normal for people to constantly have a plastic disposable water bottle!

Yes @phoenixwren. Thankfully parks here still have fountains and most people carry their own tea bottle from kindergarten going up. The data suggests that most of the plastic waste here is from packaging (close to 70%). I read somewhere that in Japan about 14% of the plastic waste is PET bottles. The rest is non-packaging related items like straws.

I like what you did with the water company's name. Lol Water from the tap is drinkable so for the most part if we are honest we don't have to buy bottled water. If we carry our own bottles we can refill with tap water.

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