Do not bother telling him the price, he will not buy, look for your prospective buyer's, because he is not. I guessed that message was about me.
The deal is, I can not remember if I have ever go that direction, like buy clothes, watches, or shoes that are very high price, and leave my pocket empty. This is no difference from when a person used all his/her money on a particular celebration, and be expecting magic to happen after it, and drive money to his pocket.
But can it ever be like that? No, money do not run a race, that it will drive and get into our pocket, but we hustle for it, and put it in our bag's, so, if at any point, we take money out, and be thinking it will run a race back into where we took it from, that will be a very wrong idea, because, it will result that we have failed ourself.
I always buy things when i can, and if the item has a too much price, i will shift aside, so that I do not make a choice that I will regret.
What I do not encourage in my life is become eager for something. Yes, I am an emotional person, but not about clothes, watches, and shoes, I know it can be so in foods that I like, and also my family and friend's that are close.
It is true that some high standards products last than others that are not, but it does not means we stretch for it when we have seen that our hands can not get to it as at that moment, living in best style is just simple, when we understand how it goes, and knows time is still coming that we will be able to get things we want.
The way I live is, I would not want to talked about it, if it's not going to be something I can get at that time, there will be no point of imagining about it, and be disturbing myself about something which will still be gotten when the time is right.
The deal is, that time is going to come for us to get all that we desire. Everything has time, it is just failure to know, that becomes a challenge.
I am happy, because I do not think about high style clothes, watches and shoes, i have peace of mind, I always believe that, when it comes to when I can get it, new style are going to be there.
Whatever luxury we have today, in few more years to come, their name will be added outdated at the end, although, people will as well, remember how precious it was in day's back. But does it really matter? It has gone out of shape, is that it has.
People do not consider too much of how it was, so, with this idea, it has make me to be calm with clothes, watches, and shoes I can't get today, believing that all my year's are not going to be the same, and there will be a great change, and by then, I will be using the new moderns.
Image's are mine.