Happy Saturday, mine is winding down while many of you it may be just staring.
I am being more present with my sons these days, though I am not 100% there, I have made progress. The twins don't need so much attention..until they wanna play tag, but the toddler needs it all right now. Gotta find the balance with the twins so they don't feel jelly though.
Falling into the trap of believing every minute and every second must be a hustle and scheme is fading away from me... but again, I am not there yet as you will read further on in the post. The thing is, we as humans think we always have to be doing but I have learnt, if the vibration isn't right, you can do all you want, no progress will be made. But if your vibes is right, you will take the David and Goliath slingshot action. So better to work on your vibe I believe. What does that mean though? working on your vibe? Well I believe it is working on your mindset and at the root level your health.
While at the park today I took sometime for myself to do a trek on the outskirts of facility. ( After making sure my youngest had some fun first though). I did some stretching, meditating, chanting and just observing nature and being grateful for life as it is now.
As usual, the two wives chillin, but when it is time to get busy they get busy...hmm that didn't sound right.. I mean when there are things to be done, they are on it. Before going out on my me time, I dropped off Aijah to get some grub and refreshments for lunch. I am sure he didn't miss my presence.
I set the twins up to do a race on this thing, but it seems Kamar wasn't having losing and bailed early. They did this thing a couple times well before exploring others. I don't think I went to the park this often when I was a kid..oh we didn't need to, the yard was big and we found many ways to entertain ourselves. Lizard catching and fighting with the coconut palm whisk comes to mind. 😂
Buying some NBA Top Shots While At The Park.
Yeah, this is where I slipped up and wasn't present. You see, the NBA Top Shots has this feature where drops come out ( new packs of NFT NBA clip highlights). And they have this line que system that gets you excited and want to get the set NOW! So while at the park I was "in que" to buy the drop...not good papa, not good 😆, but I did get some nice clips, even got one of Lebron James blocking a lay up wickedly.
New Music I'm Digging
This is the deepest song I have heard in a long time, the simple but highly effective play on words in the chorus is gold.
MY Son, your son di son.
or is it
My Sun, Your Sun, di Sun?
Well I feel it is both. The lyrics in this song are an educational course into the beginning of life and humanity up to its current state and at the heart of all that is Black Carbon This is a very deep tune that needs about 100 pull ups. I see why @justinparke respects the WordSmith. Chronixx was the perfect Reggae artiste to be featured alongside him and brings the same eternal vibrations. Here is the video below.
Next tune I m digging is Back to Normal by Anthony B. This is the question on everyones' mind but I don't think I have heard a song express it in a way that is as palatable. Many believe we will never get back to normal and I tend to agree, the world has changed drastically but I feel once the smoke has cleared, many will be more in-tune with themselves and life.
What do you think, will we ever go back to normal?
As I finished this post my youngest ran into the room and I placed him on my lap, Things seem pretty normal around here. But for many, that may not be the case. Stay safe, stay blessed, stay grateful.
