A Few properties around the way. [ Modern Japanese Homes ]

in #japan10 months ago


It’s been a minute since I signed in. Been busy studying 📖, working and family life. What have I been studying? Trading actually. I consider myself a total beginner though I’ve tabled now and then. But yes I am alive and well.

Every now and then when I go for a walk I spot some newly built houses. Thought I’d save the pics to share here as not many people have an image of modern Japanese houses. There also seems to be a boom in new houses on my area. Not sure who is gonna buy them with all the uncertainty but remember, loans and credit cards 💳 make people feel rich.

The first house has been on the market for over a year even though it’s the best looking of the three. The reason I believe is the location. It’s right on the edge of a busy-ish street not close to any stations or decent shopping 🛍️. But everyone drives in this prefecture.



The second set of houses 🏠 where a decent size, nothing too fancy on the deign side but I like that it has ample parking to hold 3 to four cars. There is a house to the back of the one upfront. Seems strange to have to pass by the side of your neighbor’s house to get to yours but it’s a common thing in Japan.




And the final house, again, it’s been on the market for over a year. Out of the three it is in the best neighborhood where not too many cars pass through, good for kids at play. This one has a decent yard space by Japan standards and would be good to do a BBQ.

These houses range from 26M yen ~ 35M yen ( $161,000 USD ~ $225,000 ). Not bad if you are earning USD, but in county with stagnant wages and accelerated inflation, these nice homes may stay on the market for a bit.

Which house do you like the best?





It is crazy to think that the house is up for sale for more than a year or so with no buyer yet.
I really though they build the house when they have the buyer ready, but I guess I was wrong.
do they clean the house regularly, before they get the buyer?

Yeah these developers are putting houses up all over the city. They probably clean them a bit as they stay clean but I doubt it's much work. Just gotta watch out for the birds 🦅 building nests.

They're so perfect that they look 3-D printed 😂

Also, look at that blue sky!!

Been dabbling in trading a bit myself. Glad you're well.

They build them up so fast you'd really think it's 3D printed. A lot of the parts are ready made and put together like Lego.

I’ve been watching your vids now and then.

Bless up bro!

Come see beauty of the architectural work
Sometimes I see some house, I feel like buying it instantly

I feel the same way but then I think of the loan 😝

I love the first set of house but how won’t they be able to sell the house for over a year now?
It’s crazy though

The map is very beautiful so we also want to start a similar business after some time then we will definitely make a house of this map we are waiting for your post.