My plans for an emergency funds

in Indiaunitedlast month

Everyday, I pray that something dangerous that may make me to go outside the box should not hit me, because if it does, I do not know where to go to, talking of an emergency funds, to take care of a situation, that is if you have the money or you have been saving up for something of that nature.

But it is not unlikely that some people don't, what they do each and everyday is that, they are living their life and hoping on God always for his divine protection, they are already battling with things in the market being high everyday, so they do not think of savings for an emergency.

Taking myself for example, I do not have any funds called emergency funds set aside for an urgent situation, all funds I have are for non-emergency and I used them to take care of myself.

But in as that, I am mostly grateful to God for good health, because in a year to year, I stay and I do not have any signs of cough, headache, malaria or all the rest, issues that may warrant me to visit a hospital.

Last year, before I relocate to my new resident, I was staying close some friends, and most of the times, they do asked me "why am i fun of exposing myself to mosquitoes, because, during the heat seasons, I mostly leave my door open at those times, the transformer that supplied light in the streets got issues.

I do not like heat, a single heat can make me loose myself happiness and I might cry, as I am too emotional, so instead of experiencing heat in the night, I don't mind if mosquitoes are entering the house along with the breeze.

But the whole thing is just that, a bite of a mosquito, do not have effect on me, all this while, mosquitoes have been bitten and bitten me, and I have not gotten sick of malaria or typhoid, I am not trying to condemned a well known fact that, mosquitoes are not the carrier's of malaria, I am speaking of myself and what I noticed.

Malaria this, malaria that, don't come my way, and I am living my life forgetting about something like that, still, I do not want to experiencing it and I do not want anybody in my family or my friends to experience it as well, because, I have not been saving for emergency.

If I am experiencing an headache, just little, what i do is to drink water, I will drink chill water, either buy it from the shop and in few minutes times, I will not feel it again.

Every day I pray for good things, and the grace and mercy of the Lord over our life's.

It break my heart when I see that people are going through something that is unfortunate, I keep praying that life gives us lemonade and the smile keep getting broader on our face.

This is my entry in the @indiaunited contest, "what is your plans for an emergency fund" participate using this link. Thanks.

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Good wisdom

Thanks, I appreciate 🥰🙏

It's really good to hear how God has been keeping and protecting you inspire of how things are.

Thanks so much, I appreciate 🥰🙏

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Thanks so much, I appreciate 🥰🙏