in AFRI-TUNES3 months ago

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Hello everyone, welcome to week #119 of our weekly contest in the Afri-tunes community. I trust we all are doing okay, for this week I decided to go back in time to present a song that was released almost two decades ago, a song I'm sure most of us know and might not have heard in a long while. Without further ado, I'd be performing "Temptation" by Nigerian music duo Psquare. I have chosen to perform this song as it's one I really liked way back, didn't realize I still liked it much till I stumbled upon it few days ago. The instrumentation, vocal delivery makes it worth listening to. This song was released in the year 2005 off the duo's second studio album (Get squared), I was just getting into secondary school when this song was released. Now listening to it brings back some memories of my childhood 😁.

The song basically talks about a man in a committed relationship, even married but finds himself craving a specific lady who catches his fancy. He's tempted whenever he sees her, really infatuated to her. Although he loves his woman, but still he wants this lady. Now that's where it gets confusing for him. The lady even gives him some greenlight to come have her, but he doesn't want to hurt his wifey. He used to be a player back in the day, so he warns this lady not to start what she won't follow through, he's really good at his game so she might end up losing this game she's trying to play with him. The lady tempts him and he really is confused on what to do. To be faithful and loyal to his wifey or just have something to do with this mystery lady?. That's pretty much what the song is about, I do hope you all enjoy 🎧 my cover of this classic. Drop your thoughts in the comment section, see you soon 😊.




Hola a todos, bienvenidos a la semana #119 de nuestro concurso semanal en la comunidad Afri-tunes. Confío en que a todos nos vaya bien, porque esta semana decidí retroceder en el tiempo para presentar una canción que se lanzó hace casi dos décadas, una canción que estoy seguro que la mayoría de nosotros conocemos y que quizás no hayamos escuchado en mucho tiempo. Sin más preámbulos, estaría interpretando "Temptation" del dúo musical nigeriano Psquare. Elegí interpretar esta canción porque es una que realmente me gustó hace mucho tiempo, no me di cuenta de que todavía me gustaba mucho hasta que me topé con ella hace unos días. La instrumentación y la entrega vocal hacen que valga la pena escucharlo. Esta canción fue lanzada en el año 2005 del segundo álbum de estudio del dúo (Get Squared). Yo estaba recién ingresando a la escuela secundaria cuando se lanzó esta canción. Ahora escucharlo me trae algunos recuerdos de mi infancia 😁.

La canción básicamente habla de un hombre en una relación comprometida, incluso casado, pero que anhela a una dama específica que le llame la atención. Se siente tentado cada vez que la ve, realmente enamorado de ella. Aunque ama a su mujer, aún quiere a esta dama. Ahí es donde se vuelve confuso para él. La señora incluso le da luz verde para venir a buscarla, pero él no quiere lastimar a su esposa. Él solía ser un jugador en el pasado, por lo que le advierte a esta señora que no comience lo que ella no seguirá, él es muy bueno en su juego, por lo que podría terminar perdiendo el juego que está tratando de jugar con él. La dama lo tienta y él realmente no sabe qué hacer. ¿Ser fiel y leal a su esposa o simplemente tener algo que ver con esta misteriosa dama? De eso se trata la canción, espero que todos disfruten 🎧 mi versión de este clásico. Deja tus pensamientos en la sección de comentarios, nos vemos pronto 😊.



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Omoh this is so great 💯👍
Thanks for sharing 🙏😊🙏

Thanks a lot bro, I appreciate it 🙏.

It's an excellent song with a good rhythm that touches a subject that happens more often than you think.
Congratulations and greetings from Caracas, Venezuela, thanks for sharing.

It really does happen a lot, no doubt..... thanks for visiting, I appreciate it much 🖤. Blessings 🙏.

This song took me down memory lane 😁.
Weldone friend 👍

Thank you so much dear😅

Hello bro, I enjoyed your presentation 😌

More grace

Thank you so much 😁.

Beautiful song that reminds of the old good times with P.square. it is a pleasure listening to you.. @sleemfit
Thank You For Sharing This With Us

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Thanks so much fam.

Wow you decided to go back in time a bit... Nice entry 😀

Yeah bro... thanks a lot.