A big hi to the gentlemen and ladies of Afri-tunes community. I welcome you specifically to my blog, it's another exciting time to bring to you my beautiful entry for week #158. My name is mamab on this space.
It has been a struggle with network for me since the last 3 days. All my efforts to make a post proved abortive. I even gave up after some trials and error but thanks to my guy @jesus-son who stood right behind me with every encouragement 🤗.
I will be sharing with you the cover of a song I knew for quite a number of years now, It has been a great blessing, it is a celestial worship. The title of the song is "Sujada" by Daps Dalyop Gwom. The gospel music minister is a Plateau state based singer who has impacted his audience with classic music compositions and productions. The song Sujada has both English and Hausa versions. I chose to do the Hausa version today, maybe i will do the English version some other time.
Sujada means worship in English language. The song carries the spirit and melody of sweet worship to the King of kings. It is also calling on everyone to offer deep worship and kneel before our maker. Worship is God's food, the 24 elders and angels as recorded in the Bible worship daily before His throne. Thank God for the music ministry, one of the best platforms to offer worship, there are so many ways to worship God but singing and doing music is very unique and special.
Are you a born again child of God? The Lord is in need of your offering of worship. There is no best place or location, you can do it right where you are. There is no best time, you can start right now in your heart and let it manifest.
Alright people, kindly join me in this worship song.