in AFRI-TUNESlast year

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Hello guys. For a long time now I have not been able to make any post here on Afritunes, and this is due to how busy I have become these days. Man have to survive, and we must do all we can to. The year is gradually moving ahead, we have almost spent one quarter of the year and we have the almighty to tank for his grace so far. Nigeria have not been easy, but we will continue struggling. We are giving up no matter what happens, and we believe God will never forsake us.


Today, I will be doing the song Ordinary People by Cobhams. In the words of Cobhams, being an ordinary person is all it takes to make the world a better place. Only an ordinary person can allow him/herself live in the way of God, and these persons are capable of extraordinary things. If it be case that Nigerians will allow themselves become ordinary persons we will most likely have the best Nigeria we have ever dreamt about. If it be the cases that leaders along side the masses will develop a change of heart then we will have the best country ever. God bless Nigerian, but most importantly, God help Nigeria😔. I remain your boy @ernesto6402. One love ✌️

A child in the distance playing in the rain
Sweet sound of water flowing away
Construction workers coming home from work
The Parent and their children going to church
Happy little baby drools on your shirt
What an extraordinary day

Let us have a world of ordinary people
Living life the way God wants us to
If we have a world of ordinary people
Extraordinary things will happen through me and you
Ordinary Abraham he was just a man
He would kill his son for the prize of a lamb
Sweet little Jesus ordinary child
And let us consider ordinary Job
Who lost it all but in God had his hope
Ordinary David the little sharped boy
Brought down the lion with a stone and a toy
Sweet little Jesus ordinary child
The carpenters first son humble and mild
If anybody told you he would be Messiah
Probably you will laugh it off I know ooo

So let us have a world of ordinary people
Living life the way God wants us to
If we have a world of ordinary people
Extraordinary things will happen through me and you...
[Original Lyrics](

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Great voice and entry. 👍

Thank you so much @mamab

I love cobhams songs but I don't think I've heard this particular song before.
Nice song and a wonderful voice aswell.

That you so much @sholex94. It's shocking you have not heard this particular song, it's probably his most popular

Thank you for sharing this with us @ernesto6402

You have a very unique tone..lovely control with the voice, I love this song... thanks for bringing it to Afri-tunes, congrats on an amazing performance...Bravo!

Thank you so much bro.

Keep shining bro ⭐

Beautiful entry bro.
I didn't know that you can sing like this

I can ooo!
It was even music that brought me to hive, only that I have not been chanced these few months

By force MTN caller tunes that year made sure I knew at least the chorus of song... Nice cover boss