Hive Music Community || An Original of "Jesus the most high God is Good" [Eng/Esp]

in Music5 months ago

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Hello friends of the hive music community, my name is @jesus-son and today I decided to do something I have not done for a long while and that is composing a song. It's a pleasure for me to present this here and I hope it makes sense to you all.

The title of the song is Jesus the most high God is Good. Well some people can almost always guess the centrality of any composition I may come up with any time because of my obsession with talking about God at all times.

Well, this is because for me, to live is God and so my being revolves just round Him. However, I am not a religious fanatic. My reason is very sharp, hehe. The melody of this composition is a spontaneous work of a group of friends some time ago and in that occasion I sang while they played the instruments.

I just recalled the central lyric of that composition and decided to do it alone and eventhough I couldn't recall the other lyrics, I did a cover up with another invention. It's an amazing feeling singing this here.

Talking about the goodness of God, for some, God is a being who is just there and does not feel the agonies of the people. He is just there passively and is neither good nor bad. I met a woman recently who shared with me her depths and she was like: God probably exist, but does not feel or hear. it took me hours of discussion to try to convince her but still to no avail.

She had her reasons and that is as a result of an incident that remains for her a unforgettable memory. My dear friends, no matter the ugly situations we may pass through, God is truly in existence and He is Good and hears and feels our pains. We need to trust Him and understand His ways.


This song is a pouring out of the heart about God's Goodness. I did this with Love and I hope that you will love it. Thanks a lot for your time.


hola amigos de la comunidad musical de hive, mi nombre es @jesus-son y hoy decidí hacer algo que no hacía desde hace mucho tiempo y es componer una canción.
Es un placer para mí presentar esto aquí y espero que tenga sentido para todos ustedes.

el título de la canción es jesús el dios altísimo es bueno.
Bueno, algunas personas casi siempre pueden adivinar la centralidad de cualquier composición que se me ocurra en cualquier momento debido a mi obsesión por hablar de dios en todo momento.

bueno, esto es porque para mí vivir es dios y por eso mi ser gira sólo en torno a él.
Sin embargo, no soy un fanático religioso.
Mi razón es muy aguda, jeje.
la melodía de esta composición es un trabajo espontáneo de un grupo de amigos hace algún tiempo y en esa ocasión canté mientras ellos tocaban los instrumentos.

Solo recordé la letra central de esa composición y decidí hacerlo solo y aunque no recordaba las otras letras, hice un cover con otro invento.
Es una sensación increíble cantar esto aquí.


hablando de la bondad de dios, para algunos, dios es un ser que simplemente está ahí y no siente las agonías de la gente.
simplemente está ahí pasivamente y no es ni bueno ni malo.
Hace poco conocí a una mujer que compartió conmigo sus profundidades y me dijo: Dios probablemente existe, pero no siente ni oye. Me llevó horas de discusión tratar de convencerla, pero fue en vano.

ella tenía sus razones y eso es a raíz de un incidente que queda para ella como un recuerdo inolvidable.
Mis queridos amigos, no importa las situaciones feas por las que podamos pasar, Dios realmente existe y es bueno y escucha y siente nuestros dolores.
Necesitamos confiar en él y entender sus caminos.

Esta canción es un derramamiento del corazón sobre la bondad de Dios.
Hice esto con amor y espero que te guste.
Muchas gracias por su tiempo.

▶️ 3Speak


buen piano suena fresco

Muchas gracias amigo

de nada no hay porque para eso estamos para escuchar y opinar yo también hago música y eso es lo q mas agradezco la opinión

Amazingvsong with an amazing performance i enjoyed it.

thanks man

Greetings friend... 👋

awwwn awwwn, I have missed seeing you around
How have you been? I had asked of you from your husband
thanks so much for your encouragements always, Much love my friend

I'm fine friend! With many electrical outages but little by little we are adapting. Hugs from a distance. When you publish you can tag me and I will gladly stop by to support you.

Thanks a lot

So sorry for the electrical outages

Hay Momentos que marcan a las personas. Que Dios sea quien toque los corazones de los más necesitados! Hermosas melodías de amor y fe. Bendiciones para ti buen hermano, gracia de Dios te cubra ❤️‍🔥

Muchas gracias amigo

There is nothing more beautiful than singing to the one who loved us first. I congratulate you brother for such an incredible performance. I am very pleased to hear you, I appreciate your devotion and your faith in our savior Jesus Christ. Good vibes for you.

It is a pwasy a pleasure for me to sing to my God and I am glad some one of your caliber appreciates it
I appreciate you man

Nice presentation as always.

Popped in from Dreemport, always an awesome #dreemerforlife.


This is so awesome dude :) great playing, lovely chord transitions, what a great song. Your singing is awesome man :)

Hey man, I am glad to receive your comment
I appreciate your support man

God is still God, from beginning till the end. Even though we may have doubts, that doesn't change who He is..


Thanks for ur presence