Hive Music Community || A Cover of Io Ti Offro me stesso [Eng/Esp]

in Music11 months ago

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Hello hive Music Community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you all to my blog. In this post, I shall be making a presentation of an Italian song which I learnt newly and which I fell in Love with.

To be very Frank, Italian songs are great. I feel the barrier to the Italian songs from going so far is because of the language which is not much diffused in the world. But when you understand the language and really pay attention to listen to their songs, they make a lot of sense and satisfy the hunger for good music.

The song I present here is titled Io Ti Offro me Stesso. This means I offer you myself. Offering of myself to who? Of course to God, who is the author and the finisher of our faith. The one who created me without my knowledge and continues to perform many wonders in the life of all mankind.


This brings me to reflect on a very important theme here and that's the need for everyone to recognise in God, a Father and one deserving praise and the total abandonment of ourselves to Him.

Why are we to offer ourselves to God? It is for the fact that He keeps us everyday, provides our needs, protects us from many dangers and above all, that He saved us through His son from the damnation due to us.

I like to always write about themes of this nature because I see it as an opportunity to promote the message of this salvation which we all have received but which some persons have not allowed to take root in their lives.

Dear friends I make this cover with love and great passion for music and I present it to you with that Hooe that you enjoy it. Thank you for your support.


Io ti offro me stesso e tu, Dio della vita mia

Cambia questo cuore

Io ti offro i miei giorni e tu, fonte di santità

Ne farai una lode a te

Nell'offerta di Gesù

Complete lyrics here


Hola comunidad musical de Hive, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida a todos a mi blog.
En este post haré una presentación de una canción italiana que aprendí recientemente y de la que me enamoré.


Para ser sincero, las canciones italianas son geniales.
Siento que la barrera para que las canciones italianas lleguen tan lejos se debe al idioma que no está muy difundido en el mundo.
pero cuando entiendes el idioma y realmente prestas atención para escuchar sus canciones, tienen mucho sentido y satisfacen el hambre de buena música.

La canción que presento aquí se titula io ti offro me stesso.
esto significa te ofrezco yo mismo.
¿Ofrecerme a quién?
por supuesto a dios, que es el autor y consumador de nuestra fe.
el que me creó sin mi conocimiento y continúa realizando muchas maravillas en la vida de toda la humanidad.

esto me lleva a reflexionar sobre un tema muy importante aquí y es la necesidad de que todos reconozcamos en dios un padre y alguien digno de alabanza y del abandono total de nosotros mismos a él.


¿Por qué debemos ofrecernos a Dios?
es por el hecho de que él nos guarda todos los días, provee nuestras necesidades, nos protege de muchos peligros y sobre todo, que nos salvó a través de su hijo de la condenación que nos corresponde.

Me gusta escribir siempre sobre temas de esta naturaleza porque lo veo como una oportunidad para promover el mensaje de esta salvación que todos hemos recibido pero que algunas personas no han dejado arraigar en sus vidas.

Queridos amigos, hago este cover con amor y gran pasión por la música y se los presento con el deseo de que lo disfruten.
gracias por tu apoyo

▶️ 3Speak


I must confess that I had not heard the song you share with us before, but as you rightly say there are many beautiful songs constantly traveling around the world, but the interesting thing is that despite the language barriers they fill everyone with their feelings as a message 📩 that seeks its destiny.

Thanks so much friend for taking the pain to watch and listen

This song reminds me of an Argentine rock song. Especially, by the title of this one. I congratulate you friend, always so happy, jovial, and with a living testimony of faith and hope. Wonderful interpretation. I congratulate you, brother.

It's a great song indeed
Thanks so much bro

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Thanks so much @afri-tunes we are always together

The song sounds lovely. I haven't heard thus song before so thank you for sharing with us.


Thanks so much dear

You want to make me fall in love with Italian songs huh? The song is nice and your voice is like Angels are singing 😍

Thanks dear

Wow, this was really nice, you did a good job here.


Tanchiu ma