Hive Music Community || A Cover of "Nearer my God to Thee" [Eng/Esp]

in Music10 months ago

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Hello hive Music Community, my name is jesus-son and here I come to share music with you. I hope that you enjoy my musical production and grasp a meaning from my reflection. Thank you.

I present here a cover of the song as written by Sarah Flower Adams in the far 19th century titled Nearer my God to Thee. It is a song that talks about the story of Jacob in the holy book and his encounter with God. This song is so inspirational that each time I listen to it, I ponder very deeply. I hope that you enjoy it with me.

Jacob who deceived his brother Esau ran far away from his brother to save his life and along the way, he encountered the Lord in different ways. First he encountered the Lord in a dream when he saw angels ascending and descending on the place where he dropped by to take a nap before continuing his journey.

He encountered the Lord again when he fought with an angel and in that moment, his name was changed from jacob to Israel. In all of these, when the Lord is near to His own, He makes all things better and drives away all evil and helps to secure a life of happiness.

Nearer my God to Thee is obviously a Christian song that seeks the presence of God in the life of a believer. Indeed, in the presence of God many impossibilities are possible and the darkness in the world is driven far away and one dwells in a dazzling presence.

What is your greatest desire in life? Where do you desire the most to be in your life? Who do you desire the most to be close to you in life? For many it would be their life partners, their children, their parents whom they have missed for a long while. In as much as these are persons who we actually need to be close to but we need more, the person of our Lord who when He comes to us, He makes all things better.


Dear friends in Christ, have you been going through some ugly situations in your life? Have you been in moments of despair and can only wish for death? The presence of God adds no sorrow, try this and see what will happen. Do not loose hope yet because God always gat you.

I bring you this cover with passion and wish you grab the message. Thanks so much for your supports.


Hola comunidad musical de Hive, mi nombre es jesus-son y aquí vengo a compartir música con ustedes.
Espero que disfrutes de mi producción musical y captes un significado de mi reflexión.

Presento aquí una versión de la canción escrita por sarah flower adams en el siglo XIX titulada más cerca de ti, mi dios.
es una canción que habla de la historia de jacob en el libro sagrado y su encuentro con dios.
Esta canción es tan inspiradora que cada vez que la escucho, reflexiono profundamente.
Espero que lo disfrutes conmigo.


Jacob, quien engañó a su hermano Esaú, huyó lejos de su hermano para salvar su vida y en el camino se encontró con el Señor de diferentes maneras.
Primero se encontró con el Señor en un sueño cuando vio ángeles ascendiendo y descendiendo en el lugar donde pasó para tomar una siesta antes de continuar su viaje.

se encontró nuevamente con el señor cuando peleó con un ángel y en ese momento, su nombre fue cambiado de jacob a israel.
en todos estos, cuando el señor está cerca de los suyos, mejora todas las cosas y ahuyenta todo mal y ayuda a asegurar una vida de felicidad.

Más cerca de ti mi dios es obviamente una canción cristiana que busca la presencia de dios en la vida de un creyente.
de hecho, en presencia de dios muchas imposibilidades son posibles y las tinieblas del mundo se alejan y uno habita en una presencia deslumbrante.

¿cual es tu mayor deseo en la vida?
¿Dónde deseas más estar en tu vida?
¿A quién deseas más que esté cerca de ti en la vida?
para muchos serían sus compañeros de vida, sus hijos, sus padres a quienes han echado de menos durante mucho tiempo.
en la medida en que son personas con las que realmente necesitamos estar cerca pero necesitamos más, la persona de nuestro señor que cuando viene a nosotros, hace que todas las cosas sean mejores.

Queridos amigos en Cristo, ¿han estado pasando por situaciones desagradables en su vida?
¿Has estado en momentos de desesperación y sólo puedes desear la muerte?
la presencia de dios no añade tristeza, prueba esto y mira qué sucede.
No pierdas la esperanza todavía porque Dios siempre te ganará.

Les traigo esta portada con pasión y deseo que capten el mensaje.
muchas gracias por su apoyo

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This is great man :) amazing singing and playing, as always!:)

Thanks man

beautiful man, i love it.

Thanks friend

it's nice to see someone spreading the word!

Really nice, weldone man😃

Always a #dreemerforlife

Thanks woman, hehe

Wow interesting, you know how to use musical instruments and that's a very good skill.

Thanks dear

Wow, what a beautiful cover! Your voice and instrumentation are amazing. I love how you've brought this classic hymn to life in a new way. The message of seeking God's presence is so powerful and uplifting. Thank you for sharing your talent with us! #dreemerforlife

Thanks so much for taking the pain to drop by and leave such uplifting comment.
E sweet my Belle, hehe

I never knew the song was about the story of Jacob in the Bible and I read attentively too. So interesting to read. The song is a beautiful one and I love how slowly you sang it. One would understand clearly every word in the lyrics that way. That was awesome 👌

Yea, even me ai never knew until I checked, hehe
Thanks dear for visiting

You are welcome.

It's a beautiful presentation brother 😍 and oh yes, that voice sounds like a catholic feel❤

It's lovely😌❤... #dreemerforlife

why you con use brother now, na wao, this toasting go hard o


This is beautiful! Well done, boss.

tanchiu madam