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RE: Music in a priestly Ordination Party at Solofra, Italy [Eng/Esp]

in Music • last year

Hello👋, I am encouraging artists in this community to share videos that showcase their own musical talent.

In case you want to share someone else's musical work, you must have an interview type format, that you appear in front of the camera, that your talent is seen in some way in the video. Or you can do it by talking on camera about what you thought of the event and adding short clips of the performance.

You can review the event and your experience, but not share the video unless you appear in it. A write-up of the event, documented with photos of the event, may be enough to appreciate what it was like for you.

I hope your collaboration, what I am avoiding is that people think that in the community they can upload videos of other people and earn some incentive, a situation that is beginning to be replicated.


Oh, ok it's fine. I understand you very well
Thanks for the notice