The Importance of Communication in Music Performance.

in Q Inspired-by-Music6 months ago

In music, there is always one thing that you, as a musician, really need to know if you want to play good music to the audience and make them enjoy your music. Communication is the key priority if one wants this to work. But why do I say communication? Even aside from music, you will hear people having issues with themselves, and when they get to the root of the matter, we see that there was no communication that would bring better understanding, which is why there was chaos. Now back to what I was talking about. Good music really needs communication because that is what will prove your level of professionalism.

Last week I went to a music program that is mainly for music, and then there was a music minister who was invited to come minister, but while they were ministering, she was trying to change into a different playing style but forgot to carry along the other backups and also those that were playing for her. When she changed the music style, there was confusion and the music became so rough and very unclean.

At that moment, everything went down because the audience was confused about what happened. Today, again, I went out to a neighborhood church that I was invited to for a church service, but I actually didn't want to go before, but I had no choice. When I got to the venue, we were having fun until the music turned upside down just because of a lack of communication.


What happened was that while the music was going on, he noticed there was something unique that could be done to the music to give it a blend of sweetness, but he could not communicate with all the instrumentalists and the singer at once, and then he was able to tell just one person amongst the percussionist, and the rest were left out. Immediately, the percussionist changed the beat and was trying to tell others, but they did get what he said.

Immediately he changed the beat, the song went off, and everything was scattered. This made everyone feel disturbed and wonder what had happened. I was a bit worried about where I was, but I had to come in for them and speak to them about communicating while they were doing their thing. Communication is the best thing we need in life, even as musicians; it is part of what makes us unique players out there.


You are absolutely right on this matter @the-lead. Yesterday in Church I had similar issues. Given that it was mothers day, the women is our church covered the Mass. They invited me to play the keyboard for them and I did. Apart from the fact that they were an amateur choir, one of the song they rendered was not well learnt. They completely messed up the song, and I did too. I completely had no idea of the song myself, and it was not a song with a stable progression.

Lol. I have witnessed something related to this before and I was just wondering how those playing for them will cope with the way the meddle progressions together. It's good you tried your best, that's why you are a musician. Thanks for stopping by.