Greetings friends. It's a beautiful day, may all that concerned us, come out superb.
Do you realized that we watch the sky more than any other things in the world?, and the second thing that we watched more is the plants?
Even at the time of writing this post, i am inside the house, but looking outside, what i saw first was the prettiest sky, and this is so true, because, no matter the day or the time I watched the sky, it is always beautiful.
so, today when I checked on the @untilwelearn contest, I discovered that another episode of the contest has begun, making it the fifty two episodes, so I decided to got those pretty shot's of the sky.
In this episode of the contest, I got four photos to showcase, and all of them have different styles, a lot of things can be seen from it, which we will talked about, and that makes it an interesting activity.
I have just realized that, I so much enjoy taking photos of the sky, because I was smiling while doing it, meanwhile, the other activities I did earlier i did not smile about it, and I am sure that I am not the only person who enjoy this activities, because, many times, I do see great photos of the sky from many people on Hive.
What I enjoyed so much about this shot's that I captured with my cellphone is about the plants leaf's on the photos. Taking a closer look of the photos here, you will see that in each of the times I captured those shots, there were lots of plants leaf's, reflecting and beautifying the art of the photograph.
I have realized also that nailing photos is a hobby, and also a profession that a lot of people has interest for.
To some point, it makes me feels like a good photographer 😁😁, and to be frank, I really enjoys the feelings of seeing myself as someone great in taking photos, unlike few months ago, thought's of that kind was not anywhere closer to me.
Palm tree is at many places here, and in one of these photos, I was able to get one into it, the deal is, that plants make a great photoshoot, but it wasn't it alone that was caught in the lens of the cellphone.
I also saw another wonderful plant there, which was a bamboo tree, and I try with my little skills to make sure it show perfectly as well in the photos.
The time I took this photos with my phone, I was outside the house, it was more like an exercise, because I was deleting some I did not see fit, and in that vain, it makes me to go again to shoot another set, I finalized the photo taken activities when I got the ones I like.
I hope you enjoy the photos i took as i do. It was a good day with me nailing those beautiful shots.
Images are mine.