Something that make me feel good is smiling

in Feel Goodlast year

I want to talk about something that make me feel good, and it is something that we all know, that is so common in our daily life, it is smiling.

We all have something that makes us to feels good each day, there was once I have a chat with a friend and he told me that, the thing he did that make him feel good is watching a TV series that's so interesting to him and for him to know that, even after the episode he was watching has finished, he still has so many episodes that would come out from the Tv series, makes him feel so much good.

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But smiling is the thing for me that makes me feel so much better because, when I am smiling, I tends to forget about the challenging activities of my life and so in that moment, my heart would he so admirable and light and I will feel good, like someone that has no worries at all.

Then if the scenario where my smiles originated from was something that would be made in a continuous process, then I wouldn't have to bother a bit, because, as I keep smiling, it makes me relief all thoughts that were trying to weigh me down.

On Saturday, I was very annoyed, but it's smiling that saved me and take me back to my admirable state of mind, it was that, I booked an online game, the game was scheduled to kicked off on friday night, so I slept off.

Then, on Saturday, i checked the game and it was wrong prediction, I was so annoyed because, when I make the bet it was correct, but then I showed it to someone and he gave me his own prediction, so I forget about mine and followed his option, because I believed him to be a good gambler than me, but after the game, it was that my prediction was correct, but i was following someone's else betting.

I felt very bad knowing I was correct but I have to go and bring in a wrong prediction from someone, the sadness wanted to weigh me down but after a couples of smiles, my mind was light and admirable and I began to see that i still have more opportunities, so I should start preparing.

Since I have known what makes me to feel good, I keep smiling in every occasion, either good or bad, I have to keep good and admirable feelings within myself, because it helps me to realize that I still have more opportunities to be successful.


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