So many opportunities in the women ministry

in Lifestyle8 months ago

Nowadays a lot of men's has dig on the way they are going to follow so that to change their gender completely into that of a women, those set of people who want to do this, believe that, opportunitys are more in the female gender, so they want to become a female, digging all angles just to see golds, meanwhile, few days ago, I was with a female friend and she was telling me about how she used to feel and what she would have done in life, if she was a man.

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My response to her was that, for her being a woman, it doesn't stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do, meanwhile, it is a matter of her decision and everything she wants to do and she can still do it.

Thereafter, the maker who make her a female knows why, instead of her to be complaining, she should better give glory to the Lord, for making her beautiful and smart.

The time we had this interaction, I make her to understand that, she should not get herself mixed up in the confusion that some people are causing in the world, because, right now, a lot of male want to become female, they totally thought that, being a female is going to make life in another angle for them and yet, totally forgotten about that, for any person to become who he/she wants to become, the right way is to chased the dream everyday and the results would come one day.

Mixing up of feelings is bad for me and I do not want that to be a lifestyle a friend of mine should keep, I was happy that I was courageous to say it in her presence, because, for her being my friend, there are not everything I am able to say in her face.

Because I was courageous to say it, what she did was to hug me so tight and she said it right there, that she is happy that she is a friend with someone like me, who is not afraid of loosing her but is ready to do everything to protect and do not let her go into wrong ways.


You are right for telling her the truth. We should be happy with the way that we have been created. I Will forever choose to be a woman... always.

Thanks for coming through dear friend, everyone were wonderfully created.