Successful Change Starts With Small Habits🎶 Changes #APART

in ReggaeJAHM3 years ago

Those who are actively trying to better themselves - whether through counseling, (self help) books, personal coaches, you name it - are probably aware of true change starting with changing (small) habits in your (daily) life. One of the habits I try to incorporate into my life is to be efficient with my energy and time.


Believe it or not, I'm a bit of a scatter brain and my mind wanders off easily from one topic to the other. This also happens when I'm in conversation and I start to think ahead of possible (negative) outcomes, which could be beneficial in certain situations, especially if it helps to plan ahead. But sometimes it stands in the way of me being efficient, particularly when I'm busy doing a task and something else pops up into mind, which makes me forget what I'm doing or should be doing at the moment.

That's why I'm conscientiously making an effort to plan beforehand what I should be doing, so that I don't have to repeat it again. I start small at home - especially in the kitchen - by mapping out what I will do in which section and when and what I could take with me, so that I don't have to return and by saving some energy in the process. Same goes for when I arrive from buying groceries and me trying to carry as much as I could inside. What it boils down to is me being efficient, so that I have to spend less energy and effort.


That's what I was trying to do in the picture, when we were on vacation at Menimi Eco resort. I believe that our group traveled with the most luggage of the whole party, that needed to be carried all the way to the lodges. So we all gave a helping hand and knowing me I grabbed the most that I could, so that I didn't have to return to the pier. I was also hungry from the trip 😅, but don't tell anyone 🙈.

And to wrap up this story of starting with small habits, I would like to share Gentleman's song Changes with you. He sings about doing your best in bringing positive change into your life. We have the ability to change thanks to the most High, if we only look into ourselves, have faith and trust.

That was a part of my story in bringing small changes in my habits. What about yours? Let me know in the comments below🤓.

Chasse into the backstage! 💃

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Good habits are easier to build with one small change at a time. Keep up your good work on self improvement

Thanks for the supportive words 😁 and doing my best one day at a time.


You're very welcome, @tanjakolader! Have a great day and weekend! 😀

Made in Canva

-- @lisamgentile1961

Yes, thank you and have an awesome weekend! 😃

Thank you, @tanjakolader! It was very nice. Hope you're having a great start to your week! 😀

Made in Canva

-- @lisamgentile1961

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

True, true,it's all about energy-management these days!
Good thinking @tanjakolader
Nice selection from my German bredda Gentleman..😉's all about energy-management these days!

Yes it is! Being efficient with one's time and energy leaves more time and energy to do the things we enjoy or bring meaning to our lives.

Oh, and Genlteman has performed in Suriname a couple of times, but I missed seeing him live on stage. Hope I'll get the chance someday again.


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

 3 years ago 

Believe it or not, I'm a bit of a scatter brain and my mind wanders off easily from one topic to the other.

I think we all have this monkey brain, but it seems you have learned to make the best of is by planning the days ahead.

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Hihihi, well I wouldn't call it planning days ahead... Although, when I used to work an office job, I was really into planning my days, weeks, months in the online calendar and tagged others who were also involved in certain tasks in the planner 😅.


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Awesome and thank you! 😁

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Believe it or not, I'm a bit of a scatter brain and my mind wanders off easily from one topic to the other.

Why would I not believe that. xD

I start small at home



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Why would I not believe that. xD

🤦‍♀ I wasn't talking to you (only) 😝, so that's why.
I'll ignore the short joke (sigh.....)


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