What do you do when you have some leftover rice? Not throw it away I hope... And if you say "make fried rice" you are my kind of person! 😂 That's exactly what we did last Sunday.
One of us actually wanted to have saoto soup, but we had a lot of leftover rice from Chinese food last week and it would've been a waste if we didn't use it in a dish, so that's what we went with. We also had one chicken breast left in the freezer. Not enough to make a dish for two people out of it, so the choice was easily made.
We took out that chicken breast and let it boil in some water with a pinch of salt. And let's not forget those chili peppers growing in our own yard - @rarej often shares some pictures whenever he harvests them - which we chopped into small pieces.
After boiling that piece of chicken, it also had to be shredded into smaller pieces, just like in saoto soup. We also harvested some of our very own grown scallions and cut them into bigger pieces this time. Which was a good idea for some color, because one of us forgot to pick some spinach 😅.
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We also used a can of corn from our "pantry" and threw in a few drops of soy and sesame sauce into the mix for taste. I suppose I don't have to mention to also cut an onion and garlic cloves. Those two ingredients need to go into the pot before anything else.
I realize right now, how my "recipe" post is not in order, but here's the finished "product", that's full of flavor. Remarkable what one could do with some leftovers and items from your own garden.
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That was our Sunday. How did you spend yours? We would like to read about it in the comments below or better yet in your own Dash Out Sunday post. 🤓
Before I close off, here's a part of the aftermath, where someone had to do the dishes and this wasn't even half of it 😅.
Chasse into the backstage! 💃
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