The peppers I have planted the past few months are finally started to flower. We've lost some along the way to the weather and or pests, as I don't use pesticides, but those that survived are going strong. The ones in the picture above are very hot yellow ones I got from a friend. All of the plants were grown from seeds.
I planted them at the side of the house that has the most fertile soil, since leaves from the neighbors trees have fallen there and composted. The plan is to make the row even longer, but for now we're at about 15 plants.
These last small chili pepper ones finishing up the row weren't even planted by me. They sprouted after some of the neighbors peppers peaking over the fence fell down on the ground.
Next to transplant to the soil are the Jalapeno plants, which are already thriving in the containers.
And also these mini ones growing around the basil. I have no idea what they'll turn out to be, because I sometimes forget which seeds are which. xD
Last but not least we have George the tomato plant who either thinks he's a pepper or basil. We found him randomly growing between the peppers and basil, but never did we throw any tomato seeds. Not gonna complain though. I'll roll with whatever nature throws at me.
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