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RE: Joy In The Simple Things πŸ‘ Sheep Jumpin' With Monkey-B

in ReggaeJAHM β€’ 4 years ago

I think kids have this marvelous way of making us forget our stresses with these precious moments like this.

I know too well the pressures of being stuck somewhere you don't want to be. I can only hope that you guys can find a place that feels like home real soon.

In the meantime, keep capturing those beautiful moments.

Big hugs to you and your family @justinparke.

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I hope things manifest soon, we really do feel like we're starting to lose our identity if that makes any sense. However, I am a clown addicted to laughter, so I'm always expending energy keep this house all smiles, it passes the time much faster. !ENGAGE 35

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

we really do feel like we're starting to lose our identity

That makes perfect sense. I was stuck somewhere I had no choice over too and then the choice I made to get out of where I was wasn't much better. It took another six months before I could do anything about it.
Having a good sense of humor definitely helps. Keep laughing my friend it really does help pass the time and relieve the symptoms of stress. you have a talent for comedic writing which is very enjoyable to read too.

Big hugs to you all πŸ€—πŸ’šπŸ€—

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.